I've done two interview posts before and they both went down a storm on my blog. After thinking of someone else who I could interview for ages, I realised that Georgia would be a perfect fit. Her blog, Teacups 'n' Makeup, is well-loved by many people including me, so I thought it'd be interesting to get the inside scoop. I was thrilled when she said yes to doing this interview, so without further ado, here it is!
1)How long have you been blogging for and why did you choose to start a blog?
I've been blogging since about August last year... before this I did also have another blog that I'd started to do with beauty and makeup but I wasn't happy with the content so I started again with a fresh start and a new blog. I chose to start a blog as beauty, makeup and fashion has always been something i've been really interested in and I had been watching youtubers for a while and was then introduced to reading blogs and it all started from then on :)
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that starter when you made your blog?
I've definitely always loved fashion and beauty since however long ago I can remember. I always enjoyed watching makeup tutorials and playing around with what outfits and looks I could think of. Even when I was younger I like to watch my mum do her makeup and that is mainly where I got my inspiration from!
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
I can't live without concealer and mascara. I use them everyday and they help to brighten my eyes up and make them look awake. I always like to make mascara because it makes such a big difference to how you look and is quick and easy to apply.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
There are lots of products out there that I'd love to try out including some of the Limecrime lipsticks...especially in the colour 'Cosmopop'..its such a pretty pastel orange and a colour that I don't own currently.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
I love writing about fashion trends and new wishlists of things that I've seen around and about that I think everyone should know about :) I also really enjoy writing 'NOTD - nails of the day' posts as nails are also a big obsession of mine hehe :)6) Do you have any exciting blog related things coming up soon?
So that's my interview with Georgia. She was such a lovely person to talk to and all of her opinions are really sincere and honest. If you'd like to check out her blog, then you can find it here. Thanks for reading and I'll see you later in the week for another post!

Love from Daisy x
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