2014 has came to an end and we're all ready to welcome a new year. I thought this was the perfect time to look back at the previous year and think about my favourite memories and achievements. At the start of the year I decided to write them all down so I could share them with you. Here are just a few of my favourite memories, so I hope you like them!
I read so many books in 2014 and I discovered new authors and novels that I really enjoyed. Out of all of the books I read in the past year, my favourite would have to be City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. Another moment which stands out is going to the book signing for The Iron Trial and meeting Cassandra Clare and Holly Black. I spent a lot of my summer around books this year, as I volunteered at my local library, assisting them with their summer reading challenge.
Performing Arts
Throughout 2014, I was a member of Lipa, which meant I could take part in shows and exams. I was a member of Matilda the Musical and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, both of which were really enjoyable and went really well. In a musical theatre exam held by Trinity, I managed to get a distinction, which I was really pleased with. I also participated in a dance show in my school and held a dance workshop for children. In 2014, I started my bronze arts award, which I will be finishing in the new year.
The past year of school was an important one for me, as I was picking my options. This was stressful, but I ultimately picked the right subjects. Other things that happened in school were winning an award for IT, winning a school challenge for science and joining the gifted and talented group. Towards the end of the year, I joined STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) club, which has opened me up to many more opportunities.
I'm not the sportiest person but in 2014 I tried to get involve where I could. I participated in badminton in school for a while, which I really enjoyed and allowed me to meet new people. I also came 4th place in sports day running the 1000m, which to me was a huge achievement considering my opponents all went to running clubs.
I spend a lot of time on Twitter and it payed off by being recognised by a few people. Cassandra Clare (who I have already mentioned a lot in this post) replied to one of my tweets, which I was thrilled with. Becca Fitzpatrick, who is another one of my favourite authors, tweeted me as well.
2014 is the year which I started my blog. Since then, I've gained a lot of followers and made so many new friends. I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award and the Liebster Blogger Award (twice!), which were huge achievements for me. I've worked with quite a few bloggers and been recognised by PR companies and brands, which is insane considering I've only just started out. More recently, my review of the Styleicona app was featured in their online magazine, which I am extremely grateful for.
These are just a few of the things that happened this year and there are so many more memories that I have gained from 2014, which I am thankful for. What have you enjoyed in 2014? Let me know down in the comments! Thanks for reading this post; I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the new year.
Love from Daisy x
2014 has came to an end and we're all ready to welcome a new year. I thought this was the perfect time to look back at the previous year and think about my favourite memories and achievements. At the start of the year I decided to write them all down so I could share them with you. Here are just a few of my favourite memories, so I hope you like them!
I read so many books in 2014 and I discovered new authors and novels that I really enjoyed. Out of all of the books I read in the past year, my favourite would have to be City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. Another moment which stands out is going to the book signing for The Iron Trial and meeting Cassandra Clare and Holly Black. I spent a lot of my summer around books this year, as I volunteered at my local library, assisting them with their summer reading challenge.
Performing Arts
Throughout 2014, I was a member of Lipa, which meant I could take part in shows and exams. I was a member of Matilda the Musical and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, both of which were really enjoyable and went really well. In a musical theatre exam held by Trinity, I managed to get a distinction, which I was really pleased with. I also participated in a dance show in my school and held a dance workshop for children. In 2014, I started my bronze arts award, which I will be finishing in the new year.
The past year of school was an important one for me, as I was picking my options. This was stressful, but I ultimately picked the right subjects. Other things that happened in school were winning an award for IT, winning a school challenge for science and joining the gifted and talented group. Towards the end of the year, I joined STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) club, which has opened me up to many more opportunities.
I'm not the sportiest person but in 2014 I tried to get involve where I could. I participated in badminton in school for a while, which I really enjoyed and allowed me to meet new people. I also came 4th place in sports day running the 1000m, which to me was a huge achievement considering my opponents all went to running clubs.
I spend a lot of time on Twitter and it payed off by being recognised by a few people. Cassandra Clare (who I have already mentioned a lot in this post) replied to one of my tweets, which I was thrilled with. Becca Fitzpatrick, who is another one of my favourite authors, tweeted me as well.
2014 is the year which I started my blog. Since then, I've gained a lot of followers and made so many new friends. I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award and the Liebster Blogger Award (twice!), which were huge achievements for me. I've worked with quite a few bloggers and been recognised by PR companies and brands, which is insane considering I've only just started out. More recently, my review of the Styleicona app was featured in their online magazine, which I am extremely grateful for.
These are just a few of the things that happened this year and there are so many more memories that I have gained from 2014, which I am thankful for. What have you enjoyed in 2014? Let me know down in the comments! Thanks for reading this post; I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the new year.
Love from Daisy x
You may have seen my previous blog post, which is my blog resolutions for 2015. Today, I thought I'd do a similar thing, but instead it'll be my beauty resolutions for 2015. I hope you like it!
1. Stick to a skincare routine
I'm one of those people who loves how my skin looks after taking good care of it, but I don't always stick to a skincare routine. Whether I forget, don't have time or can't be bothered, there always seems to be an excuse. In 2015, I will try my best to take good care of my skin and look after it.
2. Try out bold lips
I've always been someone who is scared of wearing bold lipsticks. They're vivid, stand out and honestly look great on people. In the upcoming year, I am going to try and build up the courage to wear a bold lip.
3. Experiment with eyeliner
Eyeliner is tricky to master but look really effective if you get it right. I've only tried using eyeliner a couple of times and they have all been unsuccessful, but in the new year I'm determined to master the skill and wear eyeliner a lot more often.
4. Vary my eye makeup
With eye makeup, I tend to stick with what I'm comfortable with, which is neutral eyeshadows. These compliment my eye colour and are easy to wear, but I want to start experimenting with more eyeshadows.
5. Be happy with my skin
Although we tend to put makeup on to look better and feel confident, I want to embrace my skin and learn to like it. People always say that beauty starts from within and that it's impossible to look and feel good if you don't believe so inside. Throughout 2015, I will try and be happy with my skin instead of hating it.
That's all from me! I hope you liked these resolutions and you'll have to make sure I stick to them! Let me know what resolutions you're making this year down in the comments, I'd love to hear them. I'll see you on Wednesday for my final post of 2015.
Love from Daisy x
1. Stick to a skincare routine
I'm one of those people who loves how my skin looks after taking good care of it, but I don't always stick to a skincare routine. Whether I forget, don't have time or can't be bothered, there always seems to be an excuse. In 2015, I will try my best to take good care of my skin and look after it.
2. Try out bold lips
I've always been someone who is scared of wearing bold lipsticks. They're vivid, stand out and honestly look great on people. In the upcoming year, I am going to try and build up the courage to wear a bold lip.
3. Experiment with eyeliner
Eyeliner is tricky to master but look really effective if you get it right. I've only tried using eyeliner a couple of times and they have all been unsuccessful, but in the new year I'm determined to master the skill and wear eyeliner a lot more often.
4. Vary my eye makeup
With eye makeup, I tend to stick with what I'm comfortable with, which is neutral eyeshadows. These compliment my eye colour and are easy to wear, but I want to start experimenting with more eyeshadows.
5. Be happy with my skin
Although we tend to put makeup on to look better and feel confident, I want to embrace my skin and learn to like it. People always say that beauty starts from within and that it's impossible to look and feel good if you don't believe so inside. Throughout 2015, I will try and be happy with my skin instead of hating it.
That's all from me! I hope you liked these resolutions and you'll have to make sure I stick to them! Let me know what resolutions you're making this year down in the comments, I'd love to hear them. I'll see you on Wednesday for my final post of 2015.
Love from Daisy x
You may have seen my previous blog post, which is my blog resolutions for 2015. Today, I thought I'd do a similar thing, but instead it'll be my beauty resolutions for 2015. I hope you like it!
1. Stick to a skincare routine
I'm one of those people who loves how my skin looks after taking good care of it, but I don't always stick to a skincare routine. Whether I forget, don't have time or can't be bothered, there always seems to be an excuse. In 2015, I will try my best to take good care of my skin and look after it.
2. Try out bold lips
I've always been someone who is scared of wearing bold lipsticks. They're vivid, stand out and honestly look great on people. In the upcoming year, I am going to try and build up the courage to wear a bold lip.
3. Experiment with eyeliner
Eyeliner is tricky to master but look really effective if you get it right. I've only tried using eyeliner a couple of times and they have all been unsuccessful, but in the new year I'm determined to master the skill and wear eyeliner a lot more often.
4. Vary my eye makeup
With eye makeup, I tend to stick with what I'm comfortable with, which is neutral eyeshadows. These compliment my eye colour and are easy to wear, but I want to start experimenting with more eyeshadows.
5. Be happy with my skin
Although we tend to put makeup on to look better and feel confident, I want to embrace my skin and learn to like it. People always say that beauty starts from within and that it's impossible to look and feel good if you don't believe so inside. Throughout 2015, I will try and be happy with my skin instead of hating it.
That's all from me! I hope you liked these resolutions and you'll have to make sure I stick to them! Let me know what resolutions you're making this year down in the comments, I'd love to hear them. I'll see you on Wednesday for my final post of 2015.
Love from Daisy x
1. Stick to a skincare routine
I'm one of those people who loves how my skin looks after taking good care of it, but I don't always stick to a skincare routine. Whether I forget, don't have time or can't be bothered, there always seems to be an excuse. In 2015, I will try my best to take good care of my skin and look after it.
2. Try out bold lips
I've always been someone who is scared of wearing bold lipsticks. They're vivid, stand out and honestly look great on people. In the upcoming year, I am going to try and build up the courage to wear a bold lip.
3. Experiment with eyeliner
Eyeliner is tricky to master but look really effective if you get it right. I've only tried using eyeliner a couple of times and they have all been unsuccessful, but in the new year I'm determined to master the skill and wear eyeliner a lot more often.
4. Vary my eye makeup
With eye makeup, I tend to stick with what I'm comfortable with, which is neutral eyeshadows. These compliment my eye colour and are easy to wear, but I want to start experimenting with more eyeshadows.
5. Be happy with my skin
Although we tend to put makeup on to look better and feel confident, I want to embrace my skin and learn to like it. People always say that beauty starts from within and that it's impossible to look and feel good if you don't believe so inside. Throughout 2015, I will try and be happy with my skin instead of hating it.
That's all from me! I hope you liked these resolutions and you'll have to make sure I stick to them! Let me know what resolutions you're making this year down in the comments, I'd love to hear them. I'll see you on Wednesday for my final post of 2015.
Love from Daisy x
We've only got a week left of 2014, so I've been thinking about what resolutions I should make, especially those related to my blog. Believe it or not, Daisies and Delights has existed for almost a year now and so many things have changed and improved since then. I believe that my blog still has a long way to go and I'm determined to make it the best possible. I've put together a few resolutions to help me achieve this in 2015.
1. Make my blog more user-friendly
I'm always looking for ways to make my blog interactive and I would like the readers to have an enjoyable experience when visiting Daisies and Delights. I have pondered the idea of having a blog newsletter or email updates for when I post, so that is something I'm likely to introduce. I'll also be adding gadgets and features that make my blog run smoother and more efficiently.
2. Use social media
There are a variety of online platforms and websites that I really don't take advantage of enough. My Google Plus account rarely sees a new post, which is something I'd like to change. I'm also tempted to broaden my blog further, into the realms of Twitter and Facebook, as well as using Pinterest, Tumblr and many other websites for inspiration and promotion.
3. Film a video
Although it's probable that this won't be on a YouTube channel, as I find that incredibly daunting, I am hoping to film a few videos that can accompany my posts. Whether these are long, chatty videos or creative montages, I want to experiment and see what works for Daisies and Delights. I'd love to have another thing for my readers to enjoy on my blog and I think the videos would fulfil this wish.
4. Work on my photography
I'm guilty of being someone who takes boring photos of products and doesn't put much effort or time into this aspect of blogging. In 2015, I'm hoping to change this and make my images eye-catching and unique. I'll also be looking at new ways of editing images and improving their quality, to make them look more appealing and make people want to read my posts.
5. Have a blogging schedule
When I originally started blogging, I was very organised and I had plenty of posts prepared for my schedule. As things have started getting busier, especially with school, I've found that I haven't been blogging regularly and when I have posted it's been on different days and times. Whether it's only one post a week or a few, I hope to have a set day and time so my readers know when to expect a new post.
6. Interact with other bloggers
I have a few close friends which I've made through blogging, but there are so many more people out there that I want to get to know better. Whether that's by commenting on more blogs, interacting with readers or maybe even collaborating with other bloggers, I can't wait to meet more people and gain friends from these experiences.
I hope you liked hearing all of my blogging resolutions and you'll have to make sure I achieve them all! If you want to see some more of my resolutions for 2015, my upcoming post will be about my beauty resolutions, so make sure you check that out.
Love from Daisy x
1. Make my blog more user-friendly
I'm always looking for ways to make my blog interactive and I would like the readers to have an enjoyable experience when visiting Daisies and Delights. I have pondered the idea of having a blog newsletter or email updates for when I post, so that is something I'm likely to introduce. I'll also be adding gadgets and features that make my blog run smoother and more efficiently.
2. Use social media
There are a variety of online platforms and websites that I really don't take advantage of enough. My Google Plus account rarely sees a new post, which is something I'd like to change. I'm also tempted to broaden my blog further, into the realms of Twitter and Facebook, as well as using Pinterest, Tumblr and many other websites for inspiration and promotion.
3. Film a video
Although it's probable that this won't be on a YouTube channel, as I find that incredibly daunting, I am hoping to film a few videos that can accompany my posts. Whether these are long, chatty videos or creative montages, I want to experiment and see what works for Daisies and Delights. I'd love to have another thing for my readers to enjoy on my blog and I think the videos would fulfil this wish.
4. Work on my photography
I'm guilty of being someone who takes boring photos of products and doesn't put much effort or time into this aspect of blogging. In 2015, I'm hoping to change this and make my images eye-catching and unique. I'll also be looking at new ways of editing images and improving their quality, to make them look more appealing and make people want to read my posts.
5. Have a blogging schedule
When I originally started blogging, I was very organised and I had plenty of posts prepared for my schedule. As things have started getting busier, especially with school, I've found that I haven't been blogging regularly and when I have posted it's been on different days and times. Whether it's only one post a week or a few, I hope to have a set day and time so my readers know when to expect a new post.
6. Interact with other bloggers
I have a few close friends which I've made through blogging, but there are so many more people out there that I want to get to know better. Whether that's by commenting on more blogs, interacting with readers or maybe even collaborating with other bloggers, I can't wait to meet more people and gain friends from these experiences.
I hope you liked hearing all of my blogging resolutions and you'll have to make sure I achieve them all! If you want to see some more of my resolutions for 2015, my upcoming post will be about my beauty resolutions, so make sure you check that out.
Love from Daisy x
We've only got a week left of 2014, so I've been thinking about what resolutions I should make, especially those related to my blog. Believe it or not, Daisies and Delights has existed for almost a year now and so many things have changed and improved since then. I believe that my blog still has a long way to go and I'm determined to make it the best possible. I've put together a few resolutions to help me achieve this in 2015.
1. Make my blog more user-friendly
I'm always looking for ways to make my blog interactive and I would like the readers to have an enjoyable experience when visiting Daisies and Delights. I have pondered the idea of having a blog newsletter or email updates for when I post, so that is something I'm likely to introduce. I'll also be adding gadgets and features that make my blog run smoother and more efficiently.
2. Use social media
There are a variety of online platforms and websites that I really don't take advantage of enough. My Google Plus account rarely sees a new post, which is something I'd like to change. I'm also tempted to broaden my blog further, into the realms of Twitter and Facebook, as well as using Pinterest, Tumblr and many other websites for inspiration and promotion.
3. Film a video
Although it's probable that this won't be on a YouTube channel, as I find that incredibly daunting, I am hoping to film a few videos that can accompany my posts. Whether these are long, chatty videos or creative montages, I want to experiment and see what works for Daisies and Delights. I'd love to have another thing for my readers to enjoy on my blog and I think the videos would fulfil this wish.
4. Work on my photography
I'm guilty of being someone who takes boring photos of products and doesn't put much effort or time into this aspect of blogging. In 2015, I'm hoping to change this and make my images eye-catching and unique. I'll also be looking at new ways of editing images and improving their quality, to make them look more appealing and make people want to read my posts.
5. Have a blogging schedule
When I originally started blogging, I was very organised and I had plenty of posts prepared for my schedule. As things have started getting busier, especially with school, I've found that I haven't been blogging regularly and when I have posted it's been on different days and times. Whether it's only one post a week or a few, I hope to have a set day and time so my readers know when to expect a new post.
6. Interact with other bloggers
I have a few close friends which I've made through blogging, but there are so many more people out there that I want to get to know better. Whether that's by commenting on more blogs, interacting with readers or maybe even collaborating with other bloggers, I can't wait to meet more people and gain friends from these experiences.
I hope you liked hearing all of my blogging resolutions and you'll have to make sure I achieve them all! If you want to see some more of my resolutions for 2015, my upcoming post will be about my beauty resolutions, so make sure you check that out.
Love from Daisy x
1. Make my blog more user-friendly
I'm always looking for ways to make my blog interactive and I would like the readers to have an enjoyable experience when visiting Daisies and Delights. I have pondered the idea of having a blog newsletter or email updates for when I post, so that is something I'm likely to introduce. I'll also be adding gadgets and features that make my blog run smoother and more efficiently.
2. Use social media
There are a variety of online platforms and websites that I really don't take advantage of enough. My Google Plus account rarely sees a new post, which is something I'd like to change. I'm also tempted to broaden my blog further, into the realms of Twitter and Facebook, as well as using Pinterest, Tumblr and many other websites for inspiration and promotion.
3. Film a video
Although it's probable that this won't be on a YouTube channel, as I find that incredibly daunting, I am hoping to film a few videos that can accompany my posts. Whether these are long, chatty videos or creative montages, I want to experiment and see what works for Daisies and Delights. I'd love to have another thing for my readers to enjoy on my blog and I think the videos would fulfil this wish.
4. Work on my photography
I'm guilty of being someone who takes boring photos of products and doesn't put much effort or time into this aspect of blogging. In 2015, I'm hoping to change this and make my images eye-catching and unique. I'll also be looking at new ways of editing images and improving their quality, to make them look more appealing and make people want to read my posts.
5. Have a blogging schedule
When I originally started blogging, I was very organised and I had plenty of posts prepared for my schedule. As things have started getting busier, especially with school, I've found that I haven't been blogging regularly and when I have posted it's been on different days and times. Whether it's only one post a week or a few, I hope to have a set day and time so my readers know when to expect a new post.
6. Interact with other bloggers
I have a few close friends which I've made through blogging, but there are so many more people out there that I want to get to know better. Whether that's by commenting on more blogs, interacting with readers or maybe even collaborating with other bloggers, I can't wait to meet more people and gain friends from these experiences.
I hope you liked hearing all of my blogging resolutions and you'll have to make sure I achieve them all! If you want to see some more of my resolutions for 2015, my upcoming post will be about my beauty resolutions, so make sure you check that out.
Love from Daisy x
This palette is from MUA, which is well-known for its good quality products at affordable prices. All of their products that I've previously tried have been successful and I hoped this palette would live up to my expectations. At only £4, I couldn't miss the opportunity to try the Naked palette dupe. Today, I'll be sharing my opinions on this palette, so I hope you like it!
The packaging of this product is similar to that of the other products from the brand. It isn't lavish, but does the job. It is minimal, with a mixture of black and transparent plastic, making it sturdy but hard to open. It is very slim and lightweight, so this is a travel-friendly option. The only thing missing from this is a mirror, which I feel would be useful.
There are 12 colours in this palette, meaning there are many possibilities to create gorgeous looks. In my opinion, all of the eyeshadows are wearable and would look beautiful for any occasion. Each shade is based on those from the Naked palette and, despite not having that palette, many people have said that they are almost exactly identical.
The pigmentation of these eyeshadows isn't the best, but they can easily be built up for a more vivid wash of colour. On me, they last for quite a while and don't crease on my eyes. There tends to be a bit of fallout with some of the shimmery shadows, but this can easily be brushed away or covered with concealer.
Overall, I think this palette is great and I'd recommend trying it out. Whether you're looking for some new eyeshadows or not willing to spend a lot of money on the Naked palette, I'm sure you'll love this and wear it often, especially since it's extremely cheap!
Thanks for reading and I hope you like this post! If there are any more products you want to see a review of let me know and I'll be sure to write one. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon.
Love from Daisy x
The packaging of this product is similar to that of the other products from the brand. It isn't lavish, but does the job. It is minimal, with a mixture of black and transparent plastic, making it sturdy but hard to open. It is very slim and lightweight, so this is a travel-friendly option. The only thing missing from this is a mirror, which I feel would be useful.
There are 12 colours in this palette, meaning there are many possibilities to create gorgeous looks. In my opinion, all of the eyeshadows are wearable and would look beautiful for any occasion. Each shade is based on those from the Naked palette and, despite not having that palette, many people have said that they are almost exactly identical.
The pigmentation of these eyeshadows isn't the best, but they can easily be built up for a more vivid wash of colour. On me, they last for quite a while and don't crease on my eyes. There tends to be a bit of fallout with some of the shimmery shadows, but this can easily be brushed away or covered with concealer.
Overall, I think this palette is great and I'd recommend trying it out. Whether you're looking for some new eyeshadows or not willing to spend a lot of money on the Naked palette, I'm sure you'll love this and wear it often, especially since it's extremely cheap!
Thanks for reading and I hope you like this post! If there are any more products you want to see a review of let me know and I'll be sure to write one. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon.
Love from Daisy x
This palette is from MUA, which is well-known for its good quality products at affordable prices. All of their products that I've previously tried have been successful and I hoped this palette would live up to my expectations. At only £4, I couldn't miss the opportunity to try the Naked palette dupe. Today, I'll be sharing my opinions on this palette, so I hope you like it!
The packaging of this product is similar to that of the other products from the brand. It isn't lavish, but does the job. It is minimal, with a mixture of black and transparent plastic, making it sturdy but hard to open. It is very slim and lightweight, so this is a travel-friendly option. The only thing missing from this is a mirror, which I feel would be useful.
There are 12 colours in this palette, meaning there are many possibilities to create gorgeous looks. In my opinion, all of the eyeshadows are wearable and would look beautiful for any occasion. Each shade is based on those from the Naked palette and, despite not having that palette, many people have said that they are almost exactly identical.
The pigmentation of these eyeshadows isn't the best, but they can easily be built up for a more vivid wash of colour. On me, they last for quite a while and don't crease on my eyes. There tends to be a bit of fallout with some of the shimmery shadows, but this can easily be brushed away or covered with concealer.
Overall, I think this palette is great and I'd recommend trying it out. Whether you're looking for some new eyeshadows or not willing to spend a lot of money on the Naked palette, I'm sure you'll love this and wear it often, especially since it's extremely cheap!
Thanks for reading and I hope you like this post! If there are any more products you want to see a review of let me know and I'll be sure to write one. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon.
Love from Daisy x
The packaging of this product is similar to that of the other products from the brand. It isn't lavish, but does the job. It is minimal, with a mixture of black and transparent plastic, making it sturdy but hard to open. It is very slim and lightweight, so this is a travel-friendly option. The only thing missing from this is a mirror, which I feel would be useful.
There are 12 colours in this palette, meaning there are many possibilities to create gorgeous looks. In my opinion, all of the eyeshadows are wearable and would look beautiful for any occasion. Each shade is based on those from the Naked palette and, despite not having that palette, many people have said that they are almost exactly identical.
The pigmentation of these eyeshadows isn't the best, but they can easily be built up for a more vivid wash of colour. On me, they last for quite a while and don't crease on my eyes. There tends to be a bit of fallout with some of the shimmery shadows, but this can easily be brushed away or covered with concealer.
Overall, I think this palette is great and I'd recommend trying it out. Whether you're looking for some new eyeshadows or not willing to spend a lot of money on the Naked palette, I'm sure you'll love this and wear it often, especially since it's extremely cheap!
Thanks for reading and I hope you like this post! If there are any more products you want to see a review of let me know and I'll be sure to write one. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon.
Love from Daisy x
Whether you don't have a lot of money to spend on makeup or you're simply looking for something more affordable, the drugstore has a variety of brands and products to choose from. These are just a few of my favourites that are cheap yet very good quality and worth buying.
Lasting Perfection Concealer by Collection
This product is talked about non-stop in the beauty community, but it's all for good reasons. This concealer, which can be used on blemishes or under the eyes, is insanely pigmented and works really well. It blends really well and leaves a natural finish, free from imperfections. Although the colour selection isn't the best, everything else about this product is ideal, including the price at only £4.19.
Undressed Palette by MUA
It's well known in the beauty world that this palette is an obvious dupe for the Naked Palette by Urban Decay. Although it probably isn't as pigmented and the colours don't match up entirely, this is a bargain for only £4. All of the eyeshadows are wearable and last for quite a while, not to mention all of the colours being lovely. If you're looking to buy a Naked palette but aren't sure about the price, I'd definitely try out this first.
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
I happen to talk about this product a lot, as it is one of my favourites. An added bonus is that it is only £4.99. When I wear this, I find that it lasts all day, not smudging or running like other mascaras would. It is really black and makes your eyelashes look a lot darker, as well as longer and more voluminous. This is a really nice product that I feel like anyone will benefit from.
Cream Blush by Bourjois
This is slightly on the more expensive side, at £8, but it's still considerably cheaper than a lot of other makeup items and is really good quality. This cream blusher can easily be applied and blended out to give a natural look, or it can be built up for a bolder colour. It's light on the skin and leaves you looking blushed all day. This product also lasts for a really long time, so it's definitely worth it.
Lipsticks by MUA
I'm returning to MUA for another budget product, but that's because they're honestly amazing for their price. All of their lipsticks only cost £1, which is insane. There is a wide variety of colours to choose from, each one being really pretty. The lipsticks themselves are really matte, which I know a lot of peple like. They are insanely pigmented and I find that they last a long time. For such little money, these are something that shouldn't be forgotten about!
These are just a few of the many products found in the drugstore that are great value for money. There's bound to be many other products which are just as good, so why not let me know what they are down in the comments? Thanks for reading and I'll see you this weekend for another blog post.
Love from Daisy x
This product is talked about non-stop in the beauty community, but it's all for good reasons. This concealer, which can be used on blemishes or under the eyes, is insanely pigmented and works really well. It blends really well and leaves a natural finish, free from imperfections. Although the colour selection isn't the best, everything else about this product is ideal, including the price at only £4.19.
Undressed Palette by MUA
It's well known in the beauty world that this palette is an obvious dupe for the Naked Palette by Urban Decay. Although it probably isn't as pigmented and the colours don't match up entirely, this is a bargain for only £4. All of the eyeshadows are wearable and last for quite a while, not to mention all of the colours being lovely. If you're looking to buy a Naked palette but aren't sure about the price, I'd definitely try out this first.
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
I happen to talk about this product a lot, as it is one of my favourites. An added bonus is that it is only £4.99. When I wear this, I find that it lasts all day, not smudging or running like other mascaras would. It is really black and makes your eyelashes look a lot darker, as well as longer and more voluminous. This is a really nice product that I feel like anyone will benefit from.
Cream Blush by Bourjois
This is slightly on the more expensive side, at £8, but it's still considerably cheaper than a lot of other makeup items and is really good quality. This cream blusher can easily be applied and blended out to give a natural look, or it can be built up for a bolder colour. It's light on the skin and leaves you looking blushed all day. This product also lasts for a really long time, so it's definitely worth it.
Lipsticks by MUA
I'm returning to MUA for another budget product, but that's because they're honestly amazing for their price. All of their lipsticks only cost £1, which is insane. There is a wide variety of colours to choose from, each one being really pretty. The lipsticks themselves are really matte, which I know a lot of peple like. They are insanely pigmented and I find that they last a long time. For such little money, these are something that shouldn't be forgotten about!
These are just a few of the many products found in the drugstore that are great value for money. There's bound to be many other products which are just as good, so why not let me know what they are down in the comments? Thanks for reading and I'll see you this weekend for another blog post.
Love from Daisy x
Whether you don't have a lot of money to spend on makeup or you're simply looking for something more affordable, the drugstore has a variety of brands and products to choose from. These are just a few of my favourites that are cheap yet very good quality and worth buying.
Lasting Perfection Concealer by Collection
This product is talked about non-stop in the beauty community, but it's all for good reasons. This concealer, which can be used on blemishes or under the eyes, is insanely pigmented and works really well. It blends really well and leaves a natural finish, free from imperfections. Although the colour selection isn't the best, everything else about this product is ideal, including the price at only £4.19.
Undressed Palette by MUA
It's well known in the beauty world that this palette is an obvious dupe for the Naked Palette by Urban Decay. Although it probably isn't as pigmented and the colours don't match up entirely, this is a bargain for only £4. All of the eyeshadows are wearable and last for quite a while, not to mention all of the colours being lovely. If you're looking to buy a Naked palette but aren't sure about the price, I'd definitely try out this first.
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
I happen to talk about this product a lot, as it is one of my favourites. An added bonus is that it is only £4.99. When I wear this, I find that it lasts all day, not smudging or running like other mascaras would. It is really black and makes your eyelashes look a lot darker, as well as longer and more voluminous. This is a really nice product that I feel like anyone will benefit from.
Cream Blush by Bourjois
This is slightly on the more expensive side, at £8, but it's still considerably cheaper than a lot of other makeup items and is really good quality. This cream blusher can easily be applied and blended out to give a natural look, or it can be built up for a bolder colour. It's light on the skin and leaves you looking blushed all day. This product also lasts for a really long time, so it's definitely worth it.
Lipsticks by MUA
I'm returning to MUA for another budget product, but that's because they're honestly amazing for their price. All of their lipsticks only cost £1, which is insane. There is a wide variety of colours to choose from, each one being really pretty. The lipsticks themselves are really matte, which I know a lot of peple like. They are insanely pigmented and I find that they last a long time. For such little money, these are something that shouldn't be forgotten about!
These are just a few of the many products found in the drugstore that are great value for money. There's bound to be many other products which are just as good, so why not let me know what they are down in the comments? Thanks for reading and I'll see you this weekend for another blog post.
Love from Daisy x
This product is talked about non-stop in the beauty community, but it's all for good reasons. This concealer, which can be used on blemishes or under the eyes, is insanely pigmented and works really well. It blends really well and leaves a natural finish, free from imperfections. Although the colour selection isn't the best, everything else about this product is ideal, including the price at only £4.19.
Undressed Palette by MUA
It's well known in the beauty world that this palette is an obvious dupe for the Naked Palette by Urban Decay. Although it probably isn't as pigmented and the colours don't match up entirely, this is a bargain for only £4. All of the eyeshadows are wearable and last for quite a while, not to mention all of the colours being lovely. If you're looking to buy a Naked palette but aren't sure about the price, I'd definitely try out this first.
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
I happen to talk about this product a lot, as it is one of my favourites. An added bonus is that it is only £4.99. When I wear this, I find that it lasts all day, not smudging or running like other mascaras would. It is really black and makes your eyelashes look a lot darker, as well as longer and more voluminous. This is a really nice product that I feel like anyone will benefit from.
Cream Blush by Bourjois
This is slightly on the more expensive side, at £8, but it's still considerably cheaper than a lot of other makeup items and is really good quality. This cream blusher can easily be applied and blended out to give a natural look, or it can be built up for a bolder colour. It's light on the skin and leaves you looking blushed all day. This product also lasts for a really long time, so it's definitely worth it.
Lipsticks by MUA
I'm returning to MUA for another budget product, but that's because they're honestly amazing for their price. All of their lipsticks only cost £1, which is insane. There is a wide variety of colours to choose from, each one being really pretty. The lipsticks themselves are really matte, which I know a lot of peple like. They are insanely pigmented and I find that they last a long time. For such little money, these are something that shouldn't be forgotten about!
These are just a few of the many products found in the drugstore that are great value for money. There's bound to be many other products which are just as good, so why not let me know what they are down in the comments? Thanks for reading and I'll see you this weekend for another blog post.
Love from Daisy x
When I first made Daisies and Delights, there wasn't a tutorial or guide to help you make a blog and how to get the most out of it. There are many other people want to start a blog but have no idea where to begin. Because of this, I thought I'd make this blog post to help you if you're making a blog. I hope this guide is useful for you!
1. Decide what to blog about
You should already have a particular topic in mind that you're blog will be about. If not, think about your hobbies and what you'd like to read about. Once you've thought of this, try and find a certain area of this to focus on, preferable something that is unique or not many people write about. For example, you could have a beauty blog that focuses solely on reviews, but a lot of other people do that. If you can find a specific area that isn't overdone, go for it!
2. Write some posts
The most important thing about a blog is the content. No matter how efficient and eye-catching the design is, it's what you write that will make an impact. Don't worry about not being as experienced as other bloggers, as this will improve with time. Make sure you proofread all of your posts before uploading them and fix any spelling and grammatical errors.
3. Use social media
If you want to share your blog with others and gain popularity, the best way to do so is through social media. Bloglovin is a great website for doing just this and it enables people to easily follow and keep track of your blog. Twitter is also great for sharing posts, as there are lots of blogging communities within this platform.
4. Edit the design
The first thing a reader will see when visiting your blog is your header, layout and other design features. To gain inspiration for these, look at other blogs to see what works well. All design elements can be created on Photoshop, but if you're not willing to purchasing it, Gimp and Canva are free alternatives. Remember to make your header stand out and it should be relevant to your content.
5. Interact with other bloggers
The best way to get feedback on a particular post or your blog in general is to interact with other bloggers. Reply to any comments you get and make sure you check out their blog, as it's polite to do so. Same goes with your readers, they're more likely to keep visiting your blog if you're kind to them. If you need any help or advice, most bloggers will assist you through emails or social media.
6. Everything takes time
When starting a blog, it may be annoying how your posts only get a handful of views and it isn't that popular. Don't stress, I'm sure this audience will grow with time if you're patient. All bloggers who are popular will have started from where you are now, so it's never too late to gain a huge audience and become successful.
If you have read this and are about to create a blog, I wish you the best of luck. If you ever need any more advice or help when starting out, feel free to ask me and I'll be more than happy to contribute.
Love from Daisy x
When I first made Daisies and Delights, there wasn't a tutorial or guide to help you make a blog and how to get the most out of it. There are many other people want to start a blog but have no idea where to begin. Because of this, I thought I'd make this blog post to help you if you're making a blog. I hope this guide is useful for you!
1. Decide what to blog about
You should already have a particular topic in mind that you're blog will be about. If not, think about your hobbies and what you'd like to read about. Once you've thought of this, try and find a certain area of this to focus on, preferable something that is unique or not many people write about. For example, you could have a beauty blog that focuses solely on reviews, but a lot of other people do that. If you can find a specific area that isn't overdone, go for it!
2. Write some posts
The most important thing about a blog is the content. No matter how efficient and eye-catching the design is, it's what you write that will make an impact. Don't worry about not being as experienced as other bloggers, as this will improve with time. Make sure you proofread all of your posts before uploading them and fix any spelling and grammatical errors.
3. Use social media
If you want to share your blog with others and gain popularity, the best way to do so is through social media. Bloglovin is a great website for doing just this and it enables people to easily follow and keep track of your blog. Twitter is also great for sharing posts, as there are lots of blogging communities within this platform.
4. Edit the design
The first thing a reader will see when visiting your blog is your header, layout and other design features. To gain inspiration for these, look at other blogs to see what works well. All design elements can be created on Photoshop, but if you're not willing to purchasing it, Gimp and Canva are free alternatives. Remember to make your header stand out and it should be relevant to your content.
5. Interact with other bloggers
The best way to get feedback on a particular post or your blog in general is to interact with other bloggers. Reply to any comments you get and make sure you check out their blog, as it's polite to do so. Same goes with your readers, they're more likely to keep visiting your blog if you're kind to them. If you need any help or advice, most bloggers will assist you through emails or social media.
6. Everything takes time
When starting a blog, it may be annoying how your posts only get a handful of views and it isn't that popular. Don't stress, I'm sure this audience will grow with time if you're patient. All bloggers who are popular will have started from where you are now, so it's never too late to gain a huge audience and become successful.
If you have read this and are about to create a blog, I wish you the best of luck. If you ever need any more advice or help when starting out, feel free to ask me and I'll be more than happy to contribute.
Love from Daisy x
Monthly favourites are one of my most requested posts, even though I don't often do them. I missed my November favourites at the end of last month but felt that I had quite a few things I wanted to share with you, so instead I've brought you this post to update you on my favourite beauty and skincare items. I hope you like it!
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
Despite a lot of people complaining about this mascara, I have to say that I really enjoy using it. The packaging is user-friendly (as well as really cute) and I love how the brush is small, making application more precise and easy to do. The product itself is a great consistency, never making my lashes look spidery or clumpy. It is perfect for making your lashes longer, voluminous and darker all at the same time. I also like how one coat can achieve a really natural look. Overall, this product is amazing and I would really recommend it.
Natural Glow Palette by Barry M
This palette is one that is very versatile and can be used everyday, whether that's for a natural look or not. The packaging is almost identical to a Stila palette, which I think is a nice touch. There are 2 matte shades in this palette, a white which is great for highlighting and a brown which can be used either all over the lid or in the crease. The other 4 shadows are shimmery, the pale rose being a great lid colour and the remaining looking nice in the crease. They are all extremely pigmented and it even contains a blush, making this palette suitable for travel.
Beauty Blush Lip-Stix by Models Own
It's winter, so you'd probably expect me to be wearing dark, berry lipstick. In actual fact, I've quite often been wearing a thin layer of this underneath some lipgloss. It's a bright pink but I usually only apply a bit and sheer it out with my finger, as I feel it looks better that way. The product itself is matte but still feels nourishing when you apply it. With a lipgloss, it makes a beautiful combination that I've really been enjoying wearing recently.
Micellar Water by L'Oreal
This is a great product for removing your facial makeup, as well as anything on your eyes and lips. It claims to purify, unclog pores, tone and soothe skin, all of which I feel it achieves. It isn't harsh like other cleansers and is delicate on the skin. There is no greasy residue left behind and your skin isn't tight after using it. After using this, I've noticed my skin feels a lot cleaner and nicer, so I'll definitely be repurchasing this when I run out!
Spot Cream by Quinoderm
Whenever I use this product, I instantly notice an improvement in my skin and my spots are nowhere near as bad. This cream is 10% benzoyl peroxide, meaning it is really strong but can quickly get rid of spots. After using this morning and night, a lot of the redness is reduced and I find my spots decreasing in size. If you suffer from acne or harsh blemishes, I would recommend trying out this cream as it has been successful for me.
I hope you liked seeing what my current favourites are and make sure you stick around, as it's not long before I'll be posting my 2014 favourites, which will definitely be worth seeing. Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon!
Love from Daisy x
Monthly favourites are one of my most requested posts, even though I don't often do them. I missed my November favourites at the end of last month but felt that I had quite a few things I wanted to share with you, so instead I've brought you this post to update you on my favourite beauty and skincare items. I hope you like it!
Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline
Despite a lot of people complaining about this mascara, I have to say that I really enjoy using it. The packaging is user-friendly (as well as really cute) and I love how the brush is small, making application more precise and easy to do. The product itself is a great consistency, never making my lashes look spidery or clumpy. It is perfect for making your lashes longer, voluminous and darker all at the same time. I also like how one coat can achieve a really natural look. Overall, this product is amazing and I would really recommend it.
Natural Glow Palette by Barry M
This palette is one that is very versatile and can be used everyday, whether that's for a natural look or not. The packaging is almost identical to a Stila palette, which I think is a nice touch. There are 2 matte shades in this palette, a white which is great for highlighting and a brown which can be used either all over the lid or in the crease. The other 4 shadows are shimmery, the pale rose being a great lid colour and the remaining looking nice in the crease. They are all extremely pigmented and it even contains a blush, making this palette suitable for travel.
Beauty Blush Lip-Stix by Models Own
It's winter, so you'd probably expect me to be wearing dark, berry lipstick. In actual fact, I've quite often been wearing a thin layer of this underneath some lipgloss. It's a bright pink but I usually only apply a bit and sheer it out with my finger, as I feel it looks better that way. The product itself is matte but still feels nourishing when you apply it. With a lipgloss, it makes a beautiful combination that I've really been enjoying wearing recently.
Micellar Water by L'Oreal
This is a great product for removing your facial makeup, as well as anything on your eyes and lips. It claims to purify, unclog pores, tone and soothe skin, all of which I feel it achieves. It isn't harsh like other cleansers and is delicate on the skin. There is no greasy residue left behind and your skin isn't tight after using it. After using this, I've noticed my skin feels a lot cleaner and nicer, so I'll definitely be repurchasing this when I run out!
Spot Cream by Quinoderm
Whenever I use this product, I instantly notice an improvement in my skin and my spots are nowhere near as bad. This cream is 10% benzoyl peroxide, meaning it is really strong but can quickly get rid of spots. After using this morning and night, a lot of the redness is reduced and I find my spots decreasing in size. If you suffer from acne or harsh blemishes, I would recommend trying out this cream as it has been successful for me.
I hope you liked seeing what my current favourites are and make sure you stick around, as it's not long before I'll be posting my 2014 favourites, which will definitely be worth seeing. Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon!
Love from Daisy x
Today I'll be sharing with you a survey, which asks you about yourself, your blog and a few things about the new year. I feel like I don't know a lot about my readers, so I compiled this to get to know you all better. I hope you like it!
Love from Daisy x
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Today I'll be sharing with you a survey, which asks you about yourself, your blog and a few things about the new year. I feel like I don't know a lot about my readers, so I compiled this to get to know you all better. I hope you like it!
Love from Daisy x
Powered by Typeform
Winter is an exciting time of the year and is probably one of my favourite seasons. It is a period of time that everyone looks forward to for various reasons. Everything about it is special and different to the other seasons. Today I thought I'd share with you what this festive time has to offer in terms of fashion, beauty and fun. I hope you like it!
I think we can all agree that winter is the time when we need to wrap up warm and start layering our clothes. Something that I've been seeing a lot of this season is fur collars, quite often paired with coats or leather jackets. These look really stylish and also keep you nice and warm, which is necessary in the freezing weather. Other things commonly worn in winter are fluffy jumpers, thick leggings and boots, which have been spotted a lot this year. If you're looking for something more feminine, there has been quite a few long-sleeved dresses which look really pretty yet can still be paired with a jacket and tights to keep you warm. To find out more about what is in fashion, I wrote a series of posts earlier in the year analysing the upcoming styles, which can be found here.
When I think of winter makeup, one of the first things that pops into my mind is dark lips, which are usually red or berry. Although they can be quite intimidating, they look great when applied and make your lips stand out. Also in winter, smokey eyes are worn more often and people tend to use darker eyeshadows, pairing them with black eyeliner and lots of mascara. As the weather is a lot cooler, you will find your skin starting to become dry and flaky, so a moisturiser is essential in the winter.
There are so many things to do in winter, especially when Christmas is right around the corner! Although it can be very busy, due to the excessive shopping and preparation, there will always be time to relax and do enjoyable activities. Whether you prefer to stay inside, watching Christmas films and drinking hot chocolate, or you like spending time in the crisp air, this season has so many things to offer. This year you should try and do something new, like going carolling, ice skating or raising money for a charity.
Thanks for reading this post and I hope you're now fully prepared for winter. Let me know what you'll be doing this season, I'd love to find out! Make sure you leave a comment below and follow me on Bloglovin to make sure you never miss another post.
Love from Daisy x
images from vogue.co.uk
When I think of winter makeup, one of the first things that pops into my mind is dark lips, which are usually red or berry. Although they can be quite intimidating, they look great when applied and make your lips stand out. Also in winter, smokey eyes are worn more often and people tend to use darker eyeshadows, pairing them with black eyeliner and lots of mascara. As the weather is a lot cooler, you will find your skin starting to become dry and flaky, so a moisturiser is essential in the winter.
images from pinterest.com
There are so many things to do in winter, especially when Christmas is right around the corner! Although it can be very busy, due to the excessive shopping and preparation, there will always be time to relax and do enjoyable activities. Whether you prefer to stay inside, watching Christmas films and drinking hot chocolate, or you like spending time in the crisp air, this season has so many things to offer. This year you should try and do something new, like going carolling, ice skating or raising money for a charity.
images from pinterest.com
Thanks for reading this post and I hope you're now fully prepared for winter. Let me know what you'll be doing this season, I'd love to find out! Make sure you leave a comment below and follow me on Bloglovin to make sure you never miss another post.
Love from Daisy x
Winter is an exciting time of the year and is probably one of my favourite seasons. It is a period of time that everyone looks forward to for various reasons. Everything about it is special and different to the other seasons. Today I thought I'd share with you what this festive time has to offer in terms of fashion, beauty and fun. I hope you like it!
I think we can all agree that winter is the time when we need to wrap up warm and start layering our clothes. Something that I've been seeing a lot of this season is fur collars, quite often paired with coats or leather jackets. These look really stylish and also keep you nice and warm, which is necessary in the freezing weather. Other things commonly worn in winter are fluffy jumpers, thick leggings and boots, which have been spotted a lot this year. If you're looking for something more feminine, there has been quite a few long-sleeved dresses which look really pretty yet can still be paired with a jacket and tights to keep you warm. To find out more about what is in fashion, I wrote a series of posts earlier in the year analysing the upcoming styles, which can be found here.
When I think of winter makeup, one of the first things that pops into my mind is dark lips, which are usually red or berry. Although they can be quite intimidating, they look great when applied and make your lips stand out. Also in winter, smokey eyes are worn more often and people tend to use darker eyeshadows, pairing them with black eyeliner and lots of mascara. As the weather is a lot cooler, you will find your skin starting to become dry and flaky, so a moisturiser is essential in the winter.
There are so many things to do in winter, especially when Christmas is right around the corner! Although it can be very busy, due to the excessive shopping and preparation, there will always be time to relax and do enjoyable activities. Whether you prefer to stay inside, watching Christmas films and drinking hot chocolate, or you like spending time in the crisp air, this season has so many things to offer. This year you should try and do something new, like going carolling, ice skating or raising money for a charity.
Thanks for reading this post and I hope you're now fully prepared for winter. Let me know what you'll be doing this season, I'd love to find out! Make sure you leave a comment below and follow me on Bloglovin to make sure you never miss another post.
Love from Daisy x
images from vogue.co.uk
When I think of winter makeup, one of the first things that pops into my mind is dark lips, which are usually red or berry. Although they can be quite intimidating, they look great when applied and make your lips stand out. Also in winter, smokey eyes are worn more often and people tend to use darker eyeshadows, pairing them with black eyeliner and lots of mascara. As the weather is a lot cooler, you will find your skin starting to become dry and flaky, so a moisturiser is essential in the winter.
images from pinterest.com
There are so many things to do in winter, especially when Christmas is right around the corner! Although it can be very busy, due to the excessive shopping and preparation, there will always be time to relax and do enjoyable activities. Whether you prefer to stay inside, watching Christmas films and drinking hot chocolate, or you like spending time in the crisp air, this season has so many things to offer. This year you should try and do something new, like going carolling, ice skating or raising money for a charity.
images from pinterest.com
Thanks for reading this post and I hope you're now fully prepared for winter. Let me know what you'll be doing this season, I'd love to find out! Make sure you leave a comment below and follow me on Bloglovin to make sure you never miss another post.
Love from Daisy x
Finishing a makeup item shows that it is something that you've really enjoyed and used often. Although I only have a handful of these, all of them have been favourites of mine at some point. It recently occurred to me that I haven't shared this with you, so I thought now would be the perfect time to show you my empty products!
Lacura's Mascara is another product that I've finished. This is a mascara that creates a beautiful, natural look on your lashes. I would wear this to make my lashes look darker, slightly longer and a bit more voluminous, yet still be natural. It's a great product to use if you don't want your mascara to be too bold. It also smells lovely, which is an added bonus.
Before getting my L'Oreal Micellar Water, I used to use the Simple Eye Makeup Remover on a regular basis. It was really gentle and soothing on my skin and eyes, which was great as some makeup removers are harsh. It also contained vitamins and bypassed any oils, perfumes and artificial colours, making it friendly for your skin. This eye makeup remover easily removed even waterproof mascara and was easy to use.
The final product that I have finished is The Righteous Butter from Soap and Glory. This is a body butter that is really creamy and soothing for the skin. The smell is amazing and it feels great on the skin, unlike some other body butters that can leave you feeling greasy or sticky. It is formulated to work for dry skin and I really noticed a difference when using it.
So these are the products that I've finished, all of which I've found have been really enjoyable to use. Are there any products that you've recently finished? Let me know down in the comments. I hope you've enjoyed this blog post and I'll see you later in the week!
Love from Daisy x
The first thing on my list of empty products is the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum. I don't think I've mentioned this many times, as I finished the tube before I started my blog. Despite this, I really liked the product and I felt it was great for someone who doesn't something heavy on their skin. It's light and is blendable, leaving your skin with a dewy, glowing finish. It has great coverage and I used to use this all the time just on problematic areas.
The next empty product that I have is the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. This is a product that I have repurchased it, as I really enjoy using it and it works for me. It has insane coverage and will completely hide blemishes and under eye circles. Although the colour range is fairly limited, this product is now a staple for me and it is a bargain for just over £4.
Lacura's Mascara is another product that I've finished. This is a mascara that creates a beautiful, natural look on your lashes. I would wear this to make my lashes look darker, slightly longer and a bit more voluminous, yet still be natural. It's a great product to use if you don't want your mascara to be too bold. It also smells lovely, which is an added bonus.
Before getting my L'Oreal Micellar Water, I used to use the Simple Eye Makeup Remover on a regular basis. It was really gentle and soothing on my skin and eyes, which was great as some makeup removers are harsh. It also contained vitamins and bypassed any oils, perfumes and artificial colours, making it friendly for your skin. This eye makeup remover easily removed even waterproof mascara and was easy to use.
The final product that I have finished is The Righteous Butter from Soap and Glory. This is a body butter that is really creamy and soothing for the skin. The smell is amazing and it feels great on the skin, unlike some other body butters that can leave you feeling greasy or sticky. It is formulated to work for dry skin and I really noticed a difference when using it.
So these are the products that I've finished, all of which I've found have been really enjoyable to use. Are there any products that you've recently finished? Let me know down in the comments. I hope you've enjoyed this blog post and I'll see you later in the week!
Love from Daisy x
Finishing a makeup item shows that it is something that you've really enjoyed and used often. Although I only have a handful of these, all of them have been favourites of mine at some point. It recently occurred to me that I haven't shared this with you, so I thought now would be the perfect time to show you my empty products!
Lacura's Mascara is another product that I've finished. This is a mascara that creates a beautiful, natural look on your lashes. I would wear this to make my lashes look darker, slightly longer and a bit more voluminous, yet still be natural. It's a great product to use if you don't want your mascara to be too bold. It also smells lovely, which is an added bonus.
Before getting my L'Oreal Micellar Water, I used to use the Simple Eye Makeup Remover on a regular basis. It was really gentle and soothing on my skin and eyes, which was great as some makeup removers are harsh. It also contained vitamins and bypassed any oils, perfumes and artificial colours, making it friendly for your skin. This eye makeup remover easily removed even waterproof mascara and was easy to use.
The final product that I have finished is The Righteous Butter from Soap and Glory. This is a body butter that is really creamy and soothing for the skin. The smell is amazing and it feels great on the skin, unlike some other body butters that can leave you feeling greasy or sticky. It is formulated to work for dry skin and I really noticed a difference when using it.
So these are the products that I've finished, all of which I've found have been really enjoyable to use. Are there any products that you've recently finished? Let me know down in the comments. I hope you've enjoyed this blog post and I'll see you later in the week!
Love from Daisy x
The first thing on my list of empty products is the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum. I don't think I've mentioned this many times, as I finished the tube before I started my blog. Despite this, I really liked the product and I felt it was great for someone who doesn't something heavy on their skin. It's light and is blendable, leaving your skin with a dewy, glowing finish. It has great coverage and I used to use this all the time just on problematic areas.
The next empty product that I have is the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. This is a product that I have repurchased it, as I really enjoy using it and it works for me. It has insane coverage and will completely hide blemishes and under eye circles. Although the colour range is fairly limited, this product is now a staple for me and it is a bargain for just over £4.
Lacura's Mascara is another product that I've finished. This is a mascara that creates a beautiful, natural look on your lashes. I would wear this to make my lashes look darker, slightly longer and a bit more voluminous, yet still be natural. It's a great product to use if you don't want your mascara to be too bold. It also smells lovely, which is an added bonus.
Before getting my L'Oreal Micellar Water, I used to use the Simple Eye Makeup Remover on a regular basis. It was really gentle and soothing on my skin and eyes, which was great as some makeup removers are harsh. It also contained vitamins and bypassed any oils, perfumes and artificial colours, making it friendly for your skin. This eye makeup remover easily removed even waterproof mascara and was easy to use.
The final product that I have finished is The Righteous Butter from Soap and Glory. This is a body butter that is really creamy and soothing for the skin. The smell is amazing and it feels great on the skin, unlike some other body butters that can leave you feeling greasy or sticky. It is formulated to work for dry skin and I really noticed a difference when using it.
So these are the products that I've finished, all of which I've found have been really enjoyable to use. Are there any products that you've recently finished? Let me know down in the comments. I hope you've enjoyed this blog post and I'll see you later in the week!
Love from Daisy x
One of the things which I really enjoy doing on my blog is interviewing other bloggers. It gives me the chance to get to know them better, as well as an insight to their website. Today, I will be interviewing Amber Smith from AmBlog. Ever since I stumbled upon her blog, I've really enjoyed reading it, so I was thrilled when she accepted this interview. I hope you enjoy it!
1) How long have you been blogging for and why did you choose to start a blog?
I've been blogging for just over a year now, still feeling new to the game - though whatever I’m doing, blog thoughts pop up. ‘Ooh that would make a great blog post’ / ‘What a great Post Title’ / ‘Oh where’s my camera’ – I'm sure you all know what I mean. I chose to start a blog as a way of expressing myself, without the limitations of the subject being ‘my life’, or pressures that social media brings. I've always loved the idea of a website, and AmBlog is simply me, in HTML form - the way I always wanted it to be.
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
In that respect, I think I’m a late bloomer. I've always loved shopping, and nosing for bargains – so clothes, and consequently beauty crushing, has led on from that love. But before that, makeup was more of a necessity to cover a blemish, or 10, and keep the shine at bay. Mum wasn't a ‘put a face on’ kind of person, I have no sisters, and YT and Blogs were still illusive to me back then. I actually have a twin to thank for the makeup love. From there it was a slippery slope with dabbles in teal eyeshadow and shimmery lipstick. We all start somewhere, but it’s those occasions I question why someone didn’t just say - ‘No’. I'm more settled in my knowledge now.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
I'm a bit of a clichĂ©. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in ‘Peach Glow’ is always on hand and Collection’s Concealer (the cult classic) really is high grade – both in having a truly pale shade, and industrial strength coverage. My 'I could live without, but head over heels for’, is Dior Amber Diamond. I was so ecstatic, I bought 2! If the name wasn’t enough to sway me, then the champagne gold shimmer would. Shame it’s discontinued, highly coveted, but a girl doesn't need 2 – so I would never say never to a special blog give away of it sometime in the future.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
My bronzer recently smashed, so the Estee Lauder ‘Bronze Goddess’ is top of my 'to try’ list. I'm also keen to get some MAC eyeshadows, but £10 plus a case has me wobbling. ‘Satin Taupe’ is top of the list, as it’s so darn beautiful and as far as I know, unique? Shortly followed by ‘Wedge’ and 'Omega’, as I’m short of a cool toned, pale matte for ombre eyebrows and as a ‘transition’ shade.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
‘Thrift Finds’ - I enjoy thrifting over highstreet anyday and having an excuse to go out and roam the sales and charity shops is great. They also happen to be one of the most popular posts, so it must be rubbing off on my readers. I’m also still ecstatic from my Halloween makeup (‘I Robot’) look. I forgot how much fun it was to let off steam by putting on a load of makeup, in a way that general ‘face chores’ have taken away. Makeup is made to be played with, so I’ll be making sure there’s a regular spot for that over on my blog from now on.
6) Do you have any exciting blog related things coming up soon?
Getting back into the swing of things – life has been getting in the way of my blogging recently, for which I'm not making excuses, just want to rectify. Post ideas/half done attempts are stacking up, as my ‘oh I could blog about that’ mind hasn't turned off. I'm also off to Manchester to spend time with my cousins, and celebrate my best pals 21st in style, so plenty fresh things for Amblog. That, and Christmas! For which I’m aiming to do daily ‘In The Life’ blog posts across the Christmas week. The tree is going up this weekend, so it seems the Christmas cheer is already starting.
Thank you very much to Daisy, for deciding an interview with me was worth a publish, and proving that bloggers really are such sweethearts. For anyone interested in me, my life, or simply ‘revelling in the beauty that is the little things’ then find my blog at www.ambloglife.blogspot.co.uk or https://instagram.com/ambloguk
Happy Weekend, Happy Blogging, from a Happy Amber xxx
1) How long have you been blogging for and why did you choose to start a blog?
I've been blogging for just over a year now, still feeling new to the game - though whatever I’m doing, blog thoughts pop up. ‘Ooh that would make a great blog post’ / ‘What a great Post Title’ / ‘Oh where’s my camera’ – I'm sure you all know what I mean. I chose to start a blog as a way of expressing myself, without the limitations of the subject being ‘my life’, or pressures that social media brings. I've always loved the idea of a website, and AmBlog is simply me, in HTML form - the way I always wanted it to be.
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
In that respect, I think I’m a late bloomer. I've always loved shopping, and nosing for bargains – so clothes, and consequently beauty crushing, has led on from that love. But before that, makeup was more of a necessity to cover a blemish, or 10, and keep the shine at bay. Mum wasn't a ‘put a face on’ kind of person, I have no sisters, and YT and Blogs were still illusive to me back then. I actually have a twin to thank for the makeup love. From there it was a slippery slope with dabbles in teal eyeshadow and shimmery lipstick. We all start somewhere, but it’s those occasions I question why someone didn’t just say - ‘No’. I'm more settled in my knowledge now.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
I'm a bit of a clichĂ©. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in ‘Peach Glow’ is always on hand and Collection’s Concealer (the cult classic) really is high grade – both in having a truly pale shade, and industrial strength coverage. My 'I could live without, but head over heels for’, is Dior Amber Diamond. I was so ecstatic, I bought 2! If the name wasn’t enough to sway me, then the champagne gold shimmer would. Shame it’s discontinued, highly coveted, but a girl doesn't need 2 – so I would never say never to a special blog give away of it sometime in the future.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
My bronzer recently smashed, so the Estee Lauder ‘Bronze Goddess’ is top of my 'to try’ list. I'm also keen to get some MAC eyeshadows, but £10 plus a case has me wobbling. ‘Satin Taupe’ is top of the list, as it’s so darn beautiful and as far as I know, unique? Shortly followed by ‘Wedge’ and 'Omega’, as I’m short of a cool toned, pale matte for ombre eyebrows and as a ‘transition’ shade.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
‘Thrift Finds’ - I enjoy thrifting over highstreet anyday and having an excuse to go out and roam the sales and charity shops is great. They also happen to be one of the most popular posts, so it must be rubbing off on my readers. I’m also still ecstatic from my Halloween makeup (‘I Robot’) look. I forgot how much fun it was to let off steam by putting on a load of makeup, in a way that general ‘face chores’ have taken away. Makeup is made to be played with, so I’ll be making sure there’s a regular spot for that over on my blog from now on.
6) Do you have any exciting blog related things coming up soon?
Getting back into the swing of things – life has been getting in the way of my blogging recently, for which I'm not making excuses, just want to rectify. Post ideas/half done attempts are stacking up, as my ‘oh I could blog about that’ mind hasn't turned off. I'm also off to Manchester to spend time with my cousins, and celebrate my best pals 21st in style, so plenty fresh things for Amblog. That, and Christmas! For which I’m aiming to do daily ‘In The Life’ blog posts across the Christmas week. The tree is going up this weekend, so it seems the Christmas cheer is already starting.
Thank you very much to Daisy, for deciding an interview with me was worth a publish, and proving that bloggers really are such sweethearts. For anyone interested in me, my life, or simply ‘revelling in the beauty that is the little things’ then find my blog at www.ambloglife.blogspot.co.uk or https://instagram.com/ambloguk
Happy Weekend, Happy Blogging, from a Happy Amber xxx
I really enjoyed working with Amber and I'm glad that she was cooperative when working on the interview. Overall, she's really sweet and I love her blog, so make sure you check it out!
Love from Daisy x
One of the things which I really enjoy doing on my blog is interviewing other bloggers. It gives me the chance to get to know them better, as well as an insight to their website. Today, I will be interviewing Amber Smith from AmBlog. Ever since I stumbled upon her blog, I've really enjoyed reading it, so I was thrilled when she accepted this interview. I hope you enjoy it!
1) How long have you been blogging for and why did you choose to start a blog?
I've been blogging for just over a year now, still feeling new to the game - though whatever I’m doing, blog thoughts pop up. ‘Ooh that would make a great blog post’ / ‘What a great Post Title’ / ‘Oh where’s my camera’ – I'm sure you all know what I mean. I chose to start a blog as a way of expressing myself, without the limitations of the subject being ‘my life’, or pressures that social media brings. I've always loved the idea of a website, and AmBlog is simply me, in HTML form - the way I always wanted it to be.
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
In that respect, I think I’m a late bloomer. I've always loved shopping, and nosing for bargains – so clothes, and consequently beauty crushing, has led on from that love. But before that, makeup was more of a necessity to cover a blemish, or 10, and keep the shine at bay. Mum wasn't a ‘put a face on’ kind of person, I have no sisters, and YT and Blogs were still illusive to me back then. I actually have a twin to thank for the makeup love. From there it was a slippery slope with dabbles in teal eyeshadow and shimmery lipstick. We all start somewhere, but it’s those occasions I question why someone didn’t just say - ‘No’. I'm more settled in my knowledge now.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
I'm a bit of a clichĂ©. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in ‘Peach Glow’ is always on hand and Collection’s Concealer (the cult classic) really is high grade – both in having a truly pale shade, and industrial strength coverage. My 'I could live without, but head over heels for’, is Dior Amber Diamond. I was so ecstatic, I bought 2! If the name wasn’t enough to sway me, then the champagne gold shimmer would. Shame it’s discontinued, highly coveted, but a girl doesn't need 2 – so I would never say never to a special blog give away of it sometime in the future.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
My bronzer recently smashed, so the Estee Lauder ‘Bronze Goddess’ is top of my 'to try’ list. I'm also keen to get some MAC eyeshadows, but £10 plus a case has me wobbling. ‘Satin Taupe’ is top of the list, as it’s so darn beautiful and as far as I know, unique? Shortly followed by ‘Wedge’ and 'Omega’, as I’m short of a cool toned, pale matte for ombre eyebrows and as a ‘transition’ shade.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
‘Thrift Finds’ - I enjoy thrifting over highstreet anyday and having an excuse to go out and roam the sales and charity shops is great. They also happen to be one of the most popular posts, so it must be rubbing off on my readers. I’m also still ecstatic from my Halloween makeup (‘I Robot’) look. I forgot how much fun it was to let off steam by putting on a load of makeup, in a way that general ‘face chores’ have taken away. Makeup is made to be played with, so I’ll be making sure there’s a regular spot for that over on my blog from now on.
6) Do you have any exciting blog related things coming up soon?
Getting back into the swing of things – life has been getting in the way of my blogging recently, for which I'm not making excuses, just want to rectify. Post ideas/half done attempts are stacking up, as my ‘oh I could blog about that’ mind hasn't turned off. I'm also off to Manchester to spend time with my cousins, and celebrate my best pals 21st in style, so plenty fresh things for Amblog. That, and Christmas! For which I’m aiming to do daily ‘In The Life’ blog posts across the Christmas week. The tree is going up this weekend, so it seems the Christmas cheer is already starting.
Thank you very much to Daisy, for deciding an interview with me was worth a publish, and proving that bloggers really are such sweethearts. For anyone interested in me, my life, or simply ‘revelling in the beauty that is the little things’ then find my blog at www.ambloglife.blogspot.co.uk or https://instagram.com/ambloguk
Happy Weekend, Happy Blogging, from a Happy Amber xxx
1) How long have you been blogging for and why did you choose to start a blog?
I've been blogging for just over a year now, still feeling new to the game - though whatever I’m doing, blog thoughts pop up. ‘Ooh that would make a great blog post’ / ‘What a great Post Title’ / ‘Oh where’s my camera’ – I'm sure you all know what I mean. I chose to start a blog as a way of expressing myself, without the limitations of the subject being ‘my life’, or pressures that social media brings. I've always loved the idea of a website, and AmBlog is simply me, in HTML form - the way I always wanted it to be.
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
In that respect, I think I’m a late bloomer. I've always loved shopping, and nosing for bargains – so clothes, and consequently beauty crushing, has led on from that love. But before that, makeup was more of a necessity to cover a blemish, or 10, and keep the shine at bay. Mum wasn't a ‘put a face on’ kind of person, I have no sisters, and YT and Blogs were still illusive to me back then. I actually have a twin to thank for the makeup love. From there it was a slippery slope with dabbles in teal eyeshadow and shimmery lipstick. We all start somewhere, but it’s those occasions I question why someone didn’t just say - ‘No’. I'm more settled in my knowledge now.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
I'm a bit of a clichĂ©. Rimmel Stay Matte Powder in ‘Peach Glow’ is always on hand and Collection’s Concealer (the cult classic) really is high grade – both in having a truly pale shade, and industrial strength coverage. My 'I could live without, but head over heels for’, is Dior Amber Diamond. I was so ecstatic, I bought 2! If the name wasn’t enough to sway me, then the champagne gold shimmer would. Shame it’s discontinued, highly coveted, but a girl doesn't need 2 – so I would never say never to a special blog give away of it sometime in the future.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
My bronzer recently smashed, so the Estee Lauder ‘Bronze Goddess’ is top of my 'to try’ list. I'm also keen to get some MAC eyeshadows, but £10 plus a case has me wobbling. ‘Satin Taupe’ is top of the list, as it’s so darn beautiful and as far as I know, unique? Shortly followed by ‘Wedge’ and 'Omega’, as I’m short of a cool toned, pale matte for ombre eyebrows and as a ‘transition’ shade.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
‘Thrift Finds’ - I enjoy thrifting over highstreet anyday and having an excuse to go out and roam the sales and charity shops is great. They also happen to be one of the most popular posts, so it must be rubbing off on my readers. I’m also still ecstatic from my Halloween makeup (‘I Robot’) look. I forgot how much fun it was to let off steam by putting on a load of makeup, in a way that general ‘face chores’ have taken away. Makeup is made to be played with, so I’ll be making sure there’s a regular spot for that over on my blog from now on.
6) Do you have any exciting blog related things coming up soon?
Getting back into the swing of things – life has been getting in the way of my blogging recently, for which I'm not making excuses, just want to rectify. Post ideas/half done attempts are stacking up, as my ‘oh I could blog about that’ mind hasn't turned off. I'm also off to Manchester to spend time with my cousins, and celebrate my best pals 21st in style, so plenty fresh things for Amblog. That, and Christmas! For which I’m aiming to do daily ‘In The Life’ blog posts across the Christmas week. The tree is going up this weekend, so it seems the Christmas cheer is already starting.
Thank you very much to Daisy, for deciding an interview with me was worth a publish, and proving that bloggers really are such sweethearts. For anyone interested in me, my life, or simply ‘revelling in the beauty that is the little things’ then find my blog at www.ambloglife.blogspot.co.uk or https://instagram.com/ambloguk
Happy Weekend, Happy Blogging, from a Happy Amber xxx
I really enjoyed working with Amber and I'm glad that she was cooperative when working on the interview. Overall, she's really sweet and I love her blog, so make sure you check it out!
Love from Daisy x
It's time for me to do another hairstyle tutorial! This time I will be showing you how to achieve these cute pigtails inspired by Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. The night before I wore this hairstyle, I decided to sleep with my hair in plaits, just to add a bit more interest to it. This is optional and I think this hairstyle will look great with any different lengths and textures.
I started by splitting my hair into a parting in the middle of my head, going from my hairline to the back of my neck. This is probably the hardest part of the hairstyle, as you need it to be as neat and even as possible. If you can't manage it yourself, use a mirror or get someone to check it for you. Once you have done this, the hair should be in two sections on either side of your head.
Next, take a small section of hair from the front of your head, starting next to the part line. Twist it backwards (away from your face) a few times, as this will help the start of the twist be defined. It is important that you are twisting it this way, rather than forwards, as it won't work otherwise.
After this, you should take another piece of hair from your hairline (next to the original piece) and add this to the twisted section. Twist them both together in the same direction, so the twisted section should now be longer and thicker. Repeat this until you reach behind your ear, where you should continue to twist the hair without adding in any sections. A tip for this is try not to twist it too close to the front of your head; it will look really pretty if you can see each section that goes into it between the hairline and the twist.
Finally, you should gather the rest of the hair on that side of the parting and tie it with a bobble (you might call them hair ties) behind your ear. Do this with the other side of your head and you are left with a beautiful, Dorothy-esque hairstyle!
I really like wearing this in my hair, as it is a change from a regular ponytail or bun. When I've worn this before, I've received quite a few compliments and everyone thought that is was unique. I think this hairstyle will look great if you vary the thickness of the strands you add in or by pulling at the twist at the end to make it stand out more.
Thank you for reading this post and I really hope you enjoyed it. It isn't often that I do hairstyle posts, but they are one of my favourites to write and I always receive positive feedback for them. If you'd like to see more in the future then you'll have to let me know!
Love from Daisy x
I started by splitting my hair into a parting in the middle of my head, going from my hairline to the back of my neck. This is probably the hardest part of the hairstyle, as you need it to be as neat and even as possible. If you can't manage it yourself, use a mirror or get someone to check it for you. Once you have done this, the hair should be in two sections on either side of your head.
Next, take a small section of hair from the front of your head, starting next to the part line. Twist it backwards (away from your face) a few times, as this will help the start of the twist be defined. It is important that you are twisting it this way, rather than forwards, as it won't work otherwise.
After this, you should take another piece of hair from your hairline (next to the original piece) and add this to the twisted section. Twist them both together in the same direction, so the twisted section should now be longer and thicker. Repeat this until you reach behind your ear, where you should continue to twist the hair without adding in any sections. A tip for this is try not to twist it too close to the front of your head; it will look really pretty if you can see each section that goes into it between the hairline and the twist.
Finally, you should gather the rest of the hair on that side of the parting and tie it with a bobble (you might call them hair ties) behind your ear. Do this with the other side of your head and you are left with a beautiful, Dorothy-esque hairstyle!
I really like wearing this in my hair, as it is a change from a regular ponytail or bun. When I've worn this before, I've received quite a few compliments and everyone thought that is was unique. I think this hairstyle will look great if you vary the thickness of the strands you add in or by pulling at the twist at the end to make it stand out more.
Thank you for reading this post and I really hope you enjoyed it. It isn't often that I do hairstyle posts, but they are one of my favourites to write and I always receive positive feedback for them. If you'd like to see more in the future then you'll have to let me know!
Love from Daisy x
It's time for me to do another hairstyle tutorial! This time I will be showing you how to achieve these cute pigtails inspired by Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. The night before I wore this hairstyle, I decided to sleep with my hair in plaits, just to add a bit more interest to it. This is optional and I think this hairstyle will look great with any different lengths and textures.
I started by splitting my hair into a parting in the middle of my head, going from my hairline to the back of my neck. This is probably the hardest part of the hairstyle, as you need it to be as neat and even as possible. If you can't manage it yourself, use a mirror or get someone to check it for you. Once you have done this, the hair should be in two sections on either side of your head.
Next, take a small section of hair from the front of your head, starting next to the part line. Twist it backwards (away from your face) a few times, as this will help the start of the twist be defined. It is important that you are twisting it this way, rather than forwards, as it won't work otherwise.
After this, you should take another piece of hair from your hairline (next to the original piece) and add this to the twisted section. Twist them both together in the same direction, so the twisted section should now be longer and thicker. Repeat this until you reach behind your ear, where you should continue to twist the hair without adding in any sections. A tip for this is try not to twist it too close to the front of your head; it will look really pretty if you can see each section that goes into it between the hairline and the twist.
Finally, you should gather the rest of the hair on that side of the parting and tie it with a bobble (you might call them hair ties) behind your ear. Do this with the other side of your head and you are left with a beautiful, Dorothy-esque hairstyle!
I really like wearing this in my hair, as it is a change from a regular ponytail or bun. When I've worn this before, I've received quite a few compliments and everyone thought that is was unique. I think this hairstyle will look great if you vary the thickness of the strands you add in or by pulling at the twist at the end to make it stand out more.
Thank you for reading this post and I really hope you enjoyed it. It isn't often that I do hairstyle posts, but they are one of my favourites to write and I always receive positive feedback for them. If you'd like to see more in the future then you'll have to let me know!
Love from Daisy x
I started by splitting my hair into a parting in the middle of my head, going from my hairline to the back of my neck. This is probably the hardest part of the hairstyle, as you need it to be as neat and even as possible. If you can't manage it yourself, use a mirror or get someone to check it for you. Once you have done this, the hair should be in two sections on either side of your head.
Next, take a small section of hair from the front of your head, starting next to the part line. Twist it backwards (away from your face) a few times, as this will help the start of the twist be defined. It is important that you are twisting it this way, rather than forwards, as it won't work otherwise.
After this, you should take another piece of hair from your hairline (next to the original piece) and add this to the twisted section. Twist them both together in the same direction, so the twisted section should now be longer and thicker. Repeat this until you reach behind your ear, where you should continue to twist the hair without adding in any sections. A tip for this is try not to twist it too close to the front of your head; it will look really pretty if you can see each section that goes into it between the hairline and the twist.
Finally, you should gather the rest of the hair on that side of the parting and tie it with a bobble (you might call them hair ties) behind your ear. Do this with the other side of your head and you are left with a beautiful, Dorothy-esque hairstyle!
I really like wearing this in my hair, as it is a change from a regular ponytail or bun. When I've worn this before, I've received quite a few compliments and everyone thought that is was unique. I think this hairstyle will look great if you vary the thickness of the strands you add in or by pulling at the twist at the end to make it stand out more.
Thank you for reading this post and I really hope you enjoyed it. It isn't often that I do hairstyle posts, but they are one of my favourites to write and I always receive positive feedback for them. If you'd like to see more in the future then you'll have to let me know!
Love from Daisy x
Recently, I've been opting for makeup that looks more subtle and basic. My aim was to create something that was easy to apply and didn't take a huge amount of effort, but at the same time made my skin look radiant and enhanced my natural beauty. I've settled on this look, which I find is really pretty and minimal.
I started by using the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, focusing on any redness and blemishes. This product is {really} pigmented and creamy, feeling luxorious on your skin. It blends really well and I find that it stays put throughout the day, which is an added bonus. For just over £4, this is a great concealer and I enjoy using it on a day-to-day basis. Since there are only 4 different shades, I often have to mix them together.
I then powdered my skin using the MUA Pressed Powder, since I wanted my makeup to last for as long as possible. With a silky texture and a colour that matches my skin at the moment, this is great to use to set your makeup. It is only £1, which is a bargain for a product that works so well in my opinion. My only issue with this powder is that the colour range is quite limited and the lightest shade is often too dark for my skin.
For my eyes, I applied the Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow in the shade bikini-tini. This eyeshadow base is a shimmery champagne colour, which I find actually looks {really} pretty on its own. It lasts for a long time when I wear it and doesn't crease, as well as being neutral and versatile. Despite being more expensive than the other products, it is definitely worth trying.
Mascara, for me, makes my eyes look more open and awake. I often want something that makes my eyelashes darker and longer, but isn't too dramatic for everyday wear. I have found that Maybelline's Great Lash Mascara does this perfectly for me. The brush is tiny, making it easy to be accurate and ensure every lash is covered, which I really like. It rarely clumps or smudges and lasts for quite a while, despite not being waterproof.
After that, I applied my blusher. A firm favourite of mine is the Bourjois Cream Blusher in the shade 03. It's a neutral pink with a bit of shimmer which looks like my natural blush colour. This product blends really well and can also be built up to make a more bold look if that's what you desire. After applying this blusher, it leaves me looking rosy and flushed throughout the day. Also, after using this almost everyday for what must be a year, I still haven't hit pan!
Finally, I used one of Avon's Colour Trend Lipsticks. In the shade Coral Wisp, this lipstick is really natural and looks like an improved version of my lips. It is creamy and smooth, making my lips feel moisturised. I really like this lipstick and I feel like it is one I could wear everyday.
So this is my natural makeup tutorial, which I have to say I wear quite often, especially on the weekends. I hope you liked this post and feel free to let me know any other natural makeup items down in the comments. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
Recently, I've been opting for makeup that looks more subtle and basic. My aim was to create something that was easy to apply and didn't take a huge amount of effort, but at the same time made my skin look radiant and enhanced my natural beauty. I've settled on this look, which I find is really pretty and minimal.
I started by using the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, focusing on any redness and blemishes. This product is {really} pigmented and creamy, feeling luxorious on your skin. It blends really well and I find that it stays put throughout the day, which is an added bonus. For just over £4, this is a great concealer and I enjoy using it on a day-to-day basis. Since there are only 4 different shades, I often have to mix them together.
I then powdered my skin using the MUA Pressed Powder, since I wanted my makeup to last for as long as possible. With a silky texture and a colour that matches my skin at the moment, this is great to use to set your makeup. It is only £1, which is a bargain for a product that works so well in my opinion. My only issue with this powder is that the colour range is quite limited and the lightest shade is often too dark for my skin.
For my eyes, I applied the Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow in the shade bikini-tini. This eyeshadow base is a shimmery champagne colour, which I find actually looks {really} pretty on its own. It lasts for a long time when I wear it and doesn't crease, as well as being neutral and versatile. Despite being more expensive than the other products, it is definitely worth trying.
Mascara, for me, makes my eyes look more open and awake. I often want something that makes my eyelashes darker and longer, but isn't too dramatic for everyday wear. I have found that Maybelline's Great Lash Mascara does this perfectly for me. The brush is tiny, making it easy to be accurate and ensure every lash is covered, which I really like. It rarely clumps or smudges and lasts for quite a while, despite not being waterproof.
After that, I applied my blusher. A firm favourite of mine is the Bourjois Cream Blusher in the shade 03. It's a neutral pink with a bit of shimmer which looks like my natural blush colour. This product blends really well and can also be built up to make a more bold look if that's what you desire. After applying this blusher, it leaves me looking rosy and flushed throughout the day. Also, after using this almost everyday for what must be a year, I still haven't hit pan!
Finally, I used one of Avon's Colour Trend Lipsticks. In the shade Coral Wisp, this lipstick is really natural and looks like an improved version of my lips. It is creamy and smooth, making my lips feel moisturised. I really like this lipstick and I feel like it is one I could wear everyday.
So this is my natural makeup tutorial, which I have to say I wear quite often, especially on the weekends. I hope you liked this post and feel free to let me know any other natural makeup items down in the comments. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
My last blog post that consisted of makeup tips was really popular and lots of people commented on how it was unique and creative. Since it went down so well and I have a lot more to share with you, I thought I'd do another post with even more tips! I hope you like it and on with the post.
DIY brush cleaner:
Many brands sell brush cleaners, but they are often quite expensive. You can easily save money by making your own out of household ingredients. Take a bowl and fill it with equal parts of olive oil and dishwasher soap. Mix them together and it's perfect for cleaning your brushes, leaving them smooth and free from dirt. Another option is to put water and shampoo into a bowl and do the same. These both work really well and are as effective as a purchased brush cleaner.
DIY brush cleaner:
Many brands sell brush cleaners, but they are often quite expensive. You can easily save money by making your own out of household ingredients. Take a bowl and fill it with equal parts of olive oil and dishwasher soap. Mix them together and it's perfect for cleaning your brushes, leaving them smooth and free from dirt. Another option is to put water and shampoo into a bowl and do the same. These both work really well and are as effective as a purchased brush cleaner.
Mascara wand:
When you buy an expensive mascara, it's usually the wand that you're paying extra for, as it helps to create those long, voluminous lashes that you love. If you like the design of the brush and how it makes your lashes look, you can just reuse it in cheaper mascaras. Just rinse the brush in warm water and it'll be ready to use with any mascara you want, thus you won't have to spend money on expensive mascaras again!
Brush instead of sponge:
If you have a foundation that is quickly running out, or one that you want to savour for as long as possible, stop using a sponge to apply your makeup. Sponges absorb all of your foundation, so it'll soon run out. Using brushes are a lot better as they don't pick up as much makeup and what they do pick up doesn't cling to it. If you can't resist using a sponge, try applying the foundation or concealer with a brush and then just blending it out with a sponge.
Twist, don't pump:
When you pump your mascara wand, it traps air inside the tube and makes it dry out faster. If you want your mascara to last longer then twist the brush. This technique will get rid of clumps equally as well, but doesn't cause your mascara to become dry and clumpy.
Miniature products:
Some brands, Benefit in particular, sell miniature versions of their products for a cheaper price. Doing the math is definitely worth it here, as often it works out cheaper to buy them than the full size, despite thinking that it'd be more expensive. So before you buy a smaller version of a product, check to see if it's cheaper or not.
I hope you liked all of these makeup tips! As I said at the start of this post, I have plenty of them stored away in my mind, so if you really enjoy this post then let me know for another one. You can either write a comment below or message me on Twitter, which is linked in the sidebar. Have a nice day!
Love from Daisy x
My last blog post that consisted of makeup tips was really popular and lots of people commented on how it was unique and creative. Since it went down so well and I have a lot more to share with you, I thought I'd do another post with even more tips! I hope you like it and on with the post.
DIY brush cleaner:
Many brands sell brush cleaners, but they are often quite expensive. You can easily save money by making your own out of household ingredients. Take a bowl and fill it with equal parts of olive oil and dishwasher soap. Mix them together and it's perfect for cleaning your brushes, leaving them smooth and free from dirt. Another option is to put water and shampoo into a bowl and do the same. These both work really well and are as effective as a purchased brush cleaner.
DIY brush cleaner:
Many brands sell brush cleaners, but they are often quite expensive. You can easily save money by making your own out of household ingredients. Take a bowl and fill it with equal parts of olive oil and dishwasher soap. Mix them together and it's perfect for cleaning your brushes, leaving them smooth and free from dirt. Another option is to put water and shampoo into a bowl and do the same. These both work really well and are as effective as a purchased brush cleaner.
Mascara wand:
When you buy an expensive mascara, it's usually the wand that you're paying extra for, as it helps to create those long, voluminous lashes that you love. If you like the design of the brush and how it makes your lashes look, you can just reuse it in cheaper mascaras. Just rinse the brush in warm water and it'll be ready to use with any mascara you want, thus you won't have to spend money on expensive mascaras again!
Brush instead of sponge:
If you have a foundation that is quickly running out, or one that you want to savour for as long as possible, stop using a sponge to apply your makeup. Sponges absorb all of your foundation, so it'll soon run out. Using brushes are a lot better as they don't pick up as much makeup and what they do pick up doesn't cling to it. If you can't resist using a sponge, try applying the foundation or concealer with a brush and then just blending it out with a sponge.
Twist, don't pump:
When you pump your mascara wand, it traps air inside the tube and makes it dry out faster. If you want your mascara to last longer then twist the brush. This technique will get rid of clumps equally as well, but doesn't cause your mascara to become dry and clumpy.
Miniature products:
Some brands, Benefit in particular, sell miniature versions of their products for a cheaper price. Doing the math is definitely worth it here, as often it works out cheaper to buy them than the full size, despite thinking that it'd be more expensive. So before you buy a smaller version of a product, check to see if it's cheaper or not.
I hope you liked all of these makeup tips! As I said at the start of this post, I have plenty of them stored away in my mind, so if you really enjoy this post then let me know for another one. You can either write a comment below or message me on Twitter, which is linked in the sidebar. Have a nice day!
Love from Daisy x

For any of you that don't already know, the idea behind this award is to give smaller blogs an opportunity to be recognised and appreciated. They are able to gain popularity and meet other bloggers.
The questions Olivia asked me are:
1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I honestly can't even think what I'll be doing in 10 years time! Hopefully I'll have been to college and university, but apart from that I have no idea what I'll be like or doing.
2. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog after spending a lot of time reading other beauty and fashion blogs and watching videos on YouTube. At the time it seemed like a nice hobby and I wanted to be involved in the community. After seeing some of my close friends make a blog, I decided to join them and start Daisies and Delights.
3. What is your favourite makeup brand and why?
This is really hard for me to choose, as I like a lot of different makeup brands. I'd have to say Collection are one of my favourite makeup brands, as every product of theirs that I've owned has been really successful and one of my favourites, as well as them being inexpensive.
4. What has been the greatest thing you have achieved with your blog?
I haven't had my blog for an extremely long time, but some of the things I've managed to achieve are reaching 3,000 views, being nominated for awards such as this one and being asked by Styleicona to do a review of their new app before it came out. A huge achievement in my eyes is making many new friends in the blogging community, who are always there for me and share the same interests.
5. Who is your favourite blogger?
My favourite blogger is Georgia from Teacups 'n' Makeup, who is a talented girl and one of my new friends. I'd been reading her blog a long time before I started my own and I've always admired her creative posts and excellent content. After talking to her a lot on Twitter, I've also discovered that she's a really kind person and is now one of my closest blogging friends.
6. If you could be a character in any film/TV show who would it be?
My favourite book series is The Mortal Instruments, and that is also a film, so I'd love to be Clary Fray. She's an ordinary girl who discovers a world of shadowhunters, demons, vampires, warlocks, werewolves and faeries, which is fascinating and I'd love to be involved in her adventures. She's also artistic, loving and dedicated, which are great qualities.
7.What is your favourite season?
I really like spring, when the weather is warmer and the nights are longer. It's the time when you can start wearing your summer clothing and look forward to the upcoming season. I always find myself feeling really happy in the spring and glad to be away from the cold, dull weather.
8. Have you learnt any makeup beauty tips?
Since starting my blog, I have learnt a lot of makeup tips. Most of them I've acquired from fellow bloggers and my mum, both of whom have taught me a lot about makeup. I bet if you were to look back at some of my first blog posts, they would be a lot different and my knowledge would be minimal.
9. What if your favourite high street shop?
Although I don't have one favourite high street shop, I really like looking in Primark, Forever 21, New Look, River Island and many other places. I also like browsing in Boots and Superdrug.
I now have to nominate ten people who I think have amazing content and who are genuinely sweet. I've picked entirely different people to my previous post, so if you're not included that may be why. It was still really difficult to pick, as there are so many blogs that deserve to be nominated. If you have been picked then congratulations, I really like your blog. I'm nominating:
1. Mandy from onesliceoflemon.blogspot.co.uk
2. Rachel and Leah from glamourdolls2.blogspot.co.uk
3. Julie-Ann from www.ourdreamsoffashion.com
4. Maggie from fashionablechaos.uk
5. Chantelle from chantellehudson.blogspot.co.uk
6. Emily from bonjourmissgrace.blogspot.co.uk
7. Be from lovefrombe.blogspot.co.uk
8. Jenny May from origin-of-style.blogspot.co.uk
9. Melissa from melissavictoriablogs.blogspot.co.uk
10. Stephi from stephilareine.com
My questions for these people are:
1. What is one item of makeup you can't live without?
2. What made you want to start a blog?
3. If you could be one cartoon character who would it be?
4. Where do you get inspiration for your blog posts?
5. What is your favourite Pixar film?
6. What is your top makeup tip?
7. Favourite clothes for winter?
8. Do you have any hobbies other than blogging?
9. What is one quote that you live by?
10. Favourite genre of book/movie?
If you have been nominated, the rules are:
• You must link the person who nominated you in your post (and make sure you say thank you!)
• You must answer all of the questions
• You must come up with ten questions of your own
• You must tag 10 other blogs that you genuinely like and enjoy reading
• You must inform nominees that they have been nominated
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and thank you very much to everyone who reads and is following my blog. I took a short break from blogging but it's amazing to come back and see just how many people I still have supporting Daisies and Delights. You know who you are, so thank you for being the best.
Love from Daisy x

For any of you that don't already know, the idea behind this award is to give smaller blogs an opportunity to be recognised and appreciated. They are able to gain popularity and meet other bloggers.
The questions Olivia asked me are:
1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I honestly can't even think what I'll be doing in 10 years time! Hopefully I'll have been to college and university, but apart from that I have no idea what I'll be like or doing.
2. Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog after spending a lot of time reading other beauty and fashion blogs and watching videos on YouTube. At the time it seemed like a nice hobby and I wanted to be involved in the community. After seeing some of my close friends make a blog, I decided to join them and start Daisies and Delights.
3. What is your favourite makeup brand and why?
This is really hard for me to choose, as I like a lot of different makeup brands. I'd have to say Collection are one of my favourite makeup brands, as every product of theirs that I've owned has been really successful and one of my favourites, as well as them being inexpensive.
4. What has been the greatest thing you have achieved with your blog?
I haven't had my blog for an extremely long time, but some of the things I've managed to achieve are reaching 3,000 views, being nominated for awards such as this one and being asked by Styleicona to do a review of their new app before it came out. A huge achievement in my eyes is making many new friends in the blogging community, who are always there for me and share the same interests.
5. Who is your favourite blogger?
My favourite blogger is Georgia from Teacups 'n' Makeup, who is a talented girl and one of my new friends. I'd been reading her blog a long time before I started my own and I've always admired her creative posts and excellent content. After talking to her a lot on Twitter, I've also discovered that she's a really kind person and is now one of my closest blogging friends.
6. If you could be a character in any film/TV show who would it be?
My favourite book series is The Mortal Instruments, and that is also a film, so I'd love to be Clary Fray. She's an ordinary girl who discovers a world of shadowhunters, demons, vampires, warlocks, werewolves and faeries, which is fascinating and I'd love to be involved in her adventures. She's also artistic, loving and dedicated, which are great qualities.
7.What is your favourite season?
I really like spring, when the weather is warmer and the nights are longer. It's the time when you can start wearing your summer clothing and look forward to the upcoming season. I always find myself feeling really happy in the spring and glad to be away from the cold, dull weather.
8. Have you learnt any makeup beauty tips?
Since starting my blog, I have learnt a lot of makeup tips. Most of them I've acquired from fellow bloggers and my mum, both of whom have taught me a lot about makeup. I bet if you were to look back at some of my first blog posts, they would be a lot different and my knowledge would be minimal.
9. What if your favourite high street shop?
Although I don't have one favourite high street shop, I really like looking in Primark, Forever 21, New Look, River Island and many other places. I also like browsing in Boots and Superdrug.
I now have to nominate ten people who I think have amazing content and who are genuinely sweet. I've picked entirely different people to my previous post, so if you're not included that may be why. It was still really difficult to pick, as there are so many blogs that deserve to be nominated. If you have been picked then congratulations, I really like your blog. I'm nominating:
1. Mandy from onesliceoflemon.blogspot.co.uk
2. Rachel and Leah from glamourdolls2.blogspot.co.uk
3. Julie-Ann from www.ourdreamsoffashion.com
4. Maggie from fashionablechaos.uk
5. Chantelle from chantellehudson.blogspot.co.uk
6. Emily from bonjourmissgrace.blogspot.co.uk
7. Be from lovefrombe.blogspot.co.uk
8. Jenny May from origin-of-style.blogspot.co.uk
9. Melissa from melissavictoriablogs.blogspot.co.uk
10. Stephi from stephilareine.com
My questions for these people are:
1. What is one item of makeup you can't live without?
2. What made you want to start a blog?
3. If you could be one cartoon character who would it be?
4. Where do you get inspiration for your blog posts?
5. What is your favourite Pixar film?
6. What is your top makeup tip?
7. Favourite clothes for winter?
8. Do you have any hobbies other than blogging?
9. What is one quote that you live by?
10. Favourite genre of book/movie?
If you have been nominated, the rules are:
• You must link the person who nominated you in your post (and make sure you say thank you!)
• You must answer all of the questions
• You must come up with ten questions of your own
• You must tag 10 other blogs that you genuinely like and enjoy reading
• You must inform nominees that they have been nominated
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and thank you very much to everyone who reads and is following my blog. I took a short break from blogging but it's amazing to come back and see just how many people I still have supporting Daisies and Delights. You know who you are, so thank you for being the best.
Love from Daisy x
This is the final post in my autumn winter 2014 catwalks series, which means I can tell you about the upcoming fashions for this season one last time. After so many designers presented their autumn winter collections, I picked a final three to share with you, helping you see what is in fashion. This time I went for Saint Laurent, Maxime Simoens and Dior, all of which came up with completely different collections this year.
Saint Laurent:
Saint Laurent:
Hedi Slimane has stuck with what she does best this season, which means everything is quite elaborate and tasteful, yet at the same time wearable. One of the most seen outfits on the catwalk was a t-shirt style dress that was paired with a trench coat (often tweet or Prince of Wales check) and black tights. Everything was quite simplistic, except the dress was a feature in it's silky, metallic, patterned glory. Shoes ranged from one extreme to the other, the more basic ones being knee-high black patent boots, whereas the flashy ones were bright pink, glittery heels that were ankle high. We also got a glimpse of a beaded 60's mini dress, which was quite understated due to part of the a-line being obscured beneath peacoats and capes, something that was probably deliberate.
Maxime Simoens:
Maxime's production was based on space, with music from the film Gravity playing and LED's flashing before the show started to create the atmosphere. All of the clothes had a particular connection to space, for example the Chanel-shape jacket had a pearlescent beading that was supposed to resemble constellations. We saw fur-hemmed shift dresses with huge sleeves that was supposed to symbolise space-suits, intricate trousers that were cut tight and flowing, floor length capes with a zigzag pattern. All of the colours were monochrome but that was to give the effect of the endless amount of unknown in space. Knee boots were often worn in black or white and had silver Apollo-rocket heels.
This season, Dior have went for some very bold and vibrant colours, going against the stereotype that only darker colours should be work in autumn and winter. We saw the New Look Bar jacket from 1947, which us now more of a blazer worn with matching suit pants. It's sometimes extended to a waist-coat dress or even below the knee, worn with glacé leather gloves. There was a wide range of sleeveless cashmere shift dresses, all of which were loose fitted and had jewelled fastenings. Some of the dresses looked like they were even two different dresses, sometimes in contrasting colours, layered on top of each other. Colours were paired together that would usually seem absurd, yet Raf Simons managed to make them look beautiful. There was pale pinks, daffodil yellow, fuchsia, emerald, cornflower blue, red and so many more colours that looked stunning on the catwalk. A lot of the outfits were oversized and the dresses and skirts had endless amounts of ruffles and pleats in them, which added to the extravagant outfits.
So my final catwalk fashion post is over, but I really enjoyed writing it for you. All of the others have received great feedback, so I might do one for spring and summer 2015, I guess we'll have to wait and see. Thanks for reading and leave a comment down below if you'd like more of these posts in the future.
Love from Daisy x
This is the final post in my autumn winter 2014 catwalks series, which means I can tell you about the upcoming fashions for this season one last time. After so many designers presented their autumn winter collections, I picked a final three to share with you, helping you see what is in fashion. This time I went for Saint Laurent, Maxime Simoens and Dior, all of which came up with completely different collections this year.
Saint Laurent:
Saint Laurent:
Hedi Slimane has stuck with what she does best this season, which means everything is quite elaborate and tasteful, yet at the same time wearable. One of the most seen outfits on the catwalk was a t-shirt style dress that was paired with a trench coat (often tweet or Prince of Wales check) and black tights. Everything was quite simplistic, except the dress was a feature in it's silky, metallic, patterned glory. Shoes ranged from one extreme to the other, the more basic ones being knee-high black patent boots, whereas the flashy ones were bright pink, glittery heels that were ankle high. We also got a glimpse of a beaded 60's mini dress, which was quite understated due to part of the a-line being obscured beneath peacoats and capes, something that was probably deliberate.
Maxime Simoens:
Maxime's production was based on space, with music from the film Gravity playing and LED's flashing before the show started to create the atmosphere. All of the clothes had a particular connection to space, for example the Chanel-shape jacket had a pearlescent beading that was supposed to resemble constellations. We saw fur-hemmed shift dresses with huge sleeves that was supposed to symbolise space-suits, intricate trousers that were cut tight and flowing, floor length capes with a zigzag pattern. All of the colours were monochrome but that was to give the effect of the endless amount of unknown in space. Knee boots were often worn in black or white and had silver Apollo-rocket heels.
This season, Dior have went for some very bold and vibrant colours, going against the stereotype that only darker colours should be work in autumn and winter. We saw the New Look Bar jacket from 1947, which us now more of a blazer worn with matching suit pants. It's sometimes extended to a waist-coat dress or even below the knee, worn with glacé leather gloves. There was a wide range of sleeveless cashmere shift dresses, all of which were loose fitted and had jewelled fastenings. Some of the dresses looked like they were even two different dresses, sometimes in contrasting colours, layered on top of each other. Colours were paired together that would usually seem absurd, yet Raf Simons managed to make them look beautiful. There was pale pinks, daffodil yellow, fuchsia, emerald, cornflower blue, red and so many more colours that looked stunning on the catwalk. A lot of the outfits were oversized and the dresses and skirts had endless amounts of ruffles and pleats in them, which added to the extravagant outfits.
So my final catwalk fashion post is over, but I really enjoyed writing it for you. All of the others have received great feedback, so I might do one for spring and summer 2015, I guess we'll have to wait and see. Thanks for reading and leave a comment down below if you'd like more of these posts in the future.
Love from Daisy x
It's no secret that I'm a bit of a bookworm and love reading whenever I get the chance. Today I thought I'd recommended some books for you guys to read. I've done one of these posts before and it received positive feedback and quite a few requests for more books, so I'm fulfilling your wishes. The books below are some of my favourites at the moment and I think you'd all like them as well.
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Set in a dystopian world where society is divided into five factions, each one representing a different characteristic, teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their own faction or move to another. Once this choice is made, they either stay there or become factionless. Tris, after finding out that she is Divergent, makes a choice that surprises everyone. After going through her initiation of physical and psychological tests, she knows that she is unique and doesn't fit in with anyone else. As conflict threatens to destroy the perfect society she lives in, her secret will either help save the people she loves or destroy her.
Divergent is a really enjoyable book that I couldn't put down for the two days that I read it. We meet some interesting characters such as Tris, Four, Uriah and many more, all of which are unique and have their own ambitions. This book is unlike any I've read before, due to Veronica Roth creating a new world, government and human species that is unlike our own. Overall, this book was really good and I think many people would like this, especially fans of The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Charlie is a freshman, and while he's not the biggest geek in school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective and intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and running from it. He is attempting to navigate his way through the uncharted territory of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends, the world of love, drugs and the Rocky Horror picture show. All he needs is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is actually one of my favourite books, despite it not being a science fiction, fantasy or dystopian novel, which is what I usually go for. It's a coming-of-age epistolary novel, meaning it is written in the form of letters. All of the characters and perfect in their own sense and so many topics are covered. We gain a full understanding of Charlie, his eccentric family, traumatic childhood and his older yet loyal friends. This book is definitely more mature so I'd only recommend it for older teenagers, but it is still amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it. I can't give this book enough praise.
Freaks by Lisa M Forrester
Abigail always knew that she was different, yet she just couldn't figure out how. That was until her 16th birthday, when her parents revealed the secret regarding her astounding looks, superior intelligence and her ability to never get sick or hurt. She was an Allelobrid, one of five children born as a result of their parents illegal science experiment in genetic engineering. Their aim was to create a perfect human. When out searching for the fifth and final of her kind, Abigail finds love, danger and an organisation that is after her for experiments. When lives are at risk and freedom is threatened, is being perfect enough to survive?
This book was new to my library not long ago and I'd never heard of it, yet after reading the blurb I knew I'd love it. I'm really into science fiction books about genetic engineering and things like that, so this book was perfect. I love the format of Lisa's writing and how she describes events, it's really original and it's like you're really there. Her writing was quite formal and I loved the creative language used throughout the story. There was some huge plot-twists, a budding romance and a cliffhanger that now has me anticipating the release of the next book!
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The nation of Panem, formed from a post-apocalyptic North America, consists of a wealthy Capitol region surrounded by 12 poorer districts. Every year, a televised event called the Hunger Games takes place, where two tributes from each district are picked to take part and fight for food, shelter and ultimately survival. Only one person will be victorious, returning home with increased food and money, but the other tributes won't survive. After Katniss's younger sister, Prim, is selected as one of District 12's representatives, Katniss takes her place, alongside Peeta. They have to do what they can to survive, even when the odds aren't in their favour.
The Hunger Games has been a really popular book for quite some time now, probably due to the release of the films, but I actually didn't get around to reading it until a few months ago. It's quite an easy book in terms of vocabulary, but it certainly makes up for it in action and a detailed plot. Suzanne has created this entire world which is both beautiful and harsh. She has a great use of first person narrative, used to create foreshadowing and cliffhangers. All of the characters are realistic and well-outlined, forming a great book which I'd definitely recommend.
Finding Sky by Joss Stirling
Sky moves to a new school in America, filled with ordinary people and teachers, except Zed. He isn't like everyone else; he talks to her with his thoughts and reads her mind. When she finds out about a hidden part of our world and discovers what a savant is, Sky realises how different her life could be after making just one small decision. The shadows of her dark past haunt her, but a new evil is also threatening her future. Sky must go on a battle to save those who she loves, discovering her childhood and revealing her past along the way.
I honestly wasn't expecting much from this book, as I thought it'd be an average contemporary, but I truly was wrong. With elements of fantasy and science-fiction, this book was really interesting and I honestly couldn't put it down. I love how Joss writes and her unique descriptions, especially of characters and past events. She's also great at adding mysteries and using dramatic irony, two features that made the story even more enjoyable. The plot was never lacking and there was always something going on, right up until the last page. This book will make you want to laugh, cry and ultimately fall in love with the story.
I hope this post has enlightened you and maybe you'll try one of the books I've listed! I really enjoyed reading all of them and I think you will too, especially if you are a teenager like I am. There are plenty more novels I could recommend, so if you'd like some more posts like this then let me know down in the comments. Also, if you know any young adult books that you think I might like, don't hesitate to tell me! Thanks for reading.
Love from Daisy x
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Set in a dystopian world where society is divided into five factions, each one representing a different characteristic, teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their own faction or move to another. Once this choice is made, they either stay there or become factionless. Tris, after finding out that she is Divergent, makes a choice that surprises everyone. After going through her initiation of physical and psychological tests, she knows that she is unique and doesn't fit in with anyone else. As conflict threatens to destroy the perfect society she lives in, her secret will either help save the people she loves or destroy her.
Divergent is a really enjoyable book that I couldn't put down for the two days that I read it. We meet some interesting characters such as Tris, Four, Uriah and many more, all of which are unique and have their own ambitions. This book is unlike any I've read before, due to Veronica Roth creating a new world, government and human species that is unlike our own. Overall, this book was really good and I think many people would like this, especially fans of The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Charlie is a freshman, and while he's not the biggest geek in school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective and intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and running from it. He is attempting to navigate his way through the uncharted territory of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends, the world of love, drugs and the Rocky Horror picture show. All he needs is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is actually one of my favourite books, despite it not being a science fiction, fantasy or dystopian novel, which is what I usually go for. It's a coming-of-age epistolary novel, meaning it is written in the form of letters. All of the characters and perfect in their own sense and so many topics are covered. We gain a full understanding of Charlie, his eccentric family, traumatic childhood and his older yet loyal friends. This book is definitely more mature so I'd only recommend it for older teenagers, but it is still amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it. I can't give this book enough praise.
Abigail always knew that she was different, yet she just couldn't figure out how. That was until her 16th birthday, when her parents revealed the secret regarding her astounding looks, superior intelligence and her ability to never get sick or hurt. She was an Allelobrid, one of five children born as a result of their parents illegal science experiment in genetic engineering. Their aim was to create a perfect human. When out searching for the fifth and final of her kind, Abigail finds love, danger and an organisation that is after her for experiments. When lives are at risk and freedom is threatened, is being perfect enough to survive?
This book was new to my library not long ago and I'd never heard of it, yet after reading the blurb I knew I'd love it. I'm really into science fiction books about genetic engineering and things like that, so this book was perfect. I love the format of Lisa's writing and how she describes events, it's really original and it's like you're really there. Her writing was quite formal and I loved the creative language used throughout the story. There was some huge plot-twists, a budding romance and a cliffhanger that now has me anticipating the release of the next book!

The nation of Panem, formed from a post-apocalyptic North America, consists of a wealthy Capitol region surrounded by 12 poorer districts. Every year, a televised event called the Hunger Games takes place, where two tributes from each district are picked to take part and fight for food, shelter and ultimately survival. Only one person will be victorious, returning home with increased food and money, but the other tributes won't survive. After Katniss's younger sister, Prim, is selected as one of District 12's representatives, Katniss takes her place, alongside Peeta. They have to do what they can to survive, even when the odds aren't in their favour.
The Hunger Games has been a really popular book for quite some time now, probably due to the release of the films, but I actually didn't get around to reading it until a few months ago. It's quite an easy book in terms of vocabulary, but it certainly makes up for it in action and a detailed plot. Suzanne has created this entire world which is both beautiful and harsh. She has a great use of first person narrative, used to create foreshadowing and cliffhangers. All of the characters are realistic and well-outlined, forming a great book which I'd definitely recommend.
Sky moves to a new school in America, filled with ordinary people and teachers, except Zed. He isn't like everyone else; he talks to her with his thoughts and reads her mind. When she finds out about a hidden part of our world and discovers what a savant is, Sky realises how different her life could be after making just one small decision. The shadows of her dark past haunt her, but a new evil is also threatening her future. Sky must go on a battle to save those who she loves, discovering her childhood and revealing her past along the way.
I honestly wasn't expecting much from this book, as I thought it'd be an average contemporary, but I truly was wrong. With elements of fantasy and science-fiction, this book was really interesting and I honestly couldn't put it down. I love how Joss writes and her unique descriptions, especially of characters and past events. She's also great at adding mysteries and using dramatic irony, two features that made the story even more enjoyable. The plot was never lacking and there was always something going on, right up until the last page. This book will make you want to laugh, cry and ultimately fall in love with the story.
Love from Daisy x
It's no secret that I'm a bit of a bookworm and love reading whenever I get the chance. Today I thought I'd recommended some books for you guys to read. I've done one of these posts before and it received positive feedback and quite a few requests for more books, so I'm fulfilling your wishes. The books below are some of my favourites at the moment and I think you'd all like them as well.
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Set in a dystopian world where society is divided into five factions, each one representing a different characteristic, teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their own faction or move to another. Once this choice is made, they either stay there or become factionless. Tris, after finding out that she is Divergent, makes a choice that surprises everyone. After going through her initiation of physical and psychological tests, she knows that she is unique and doesn't fit in with anyone else. As conflict threatens to destroy the perfect society she lives in, her secret will either help save the people she loves or destroy her.
Divergent is a really enjoyable book that I couldn't put down for the two days that I read it. We meet some interesting characters such as Tris, Four, Uriah and many more, all of which are unique and have their own ambitions. This book is unlike any I've read before, due to Veronica Roth creating a new world, government and human species that is unlike our own. Overall, this book was really good and I think many people would like this, especially fans of The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Charlie is a freshman, and while he's not the biggest geek in school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective and intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and running from it. He is attempting to navigate his way through the uncharted territory of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends, the world of love, drugs and the Rocky Horror picture show. All he needs is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is actually one of my favourite books, despite it not being a science fiction, fantasy or dystopian novel, which is what I usually go for. It's a coming-of-age epistolary novel, meaning it is written in the form of letters. All of the characters and perfect in their own sense and so many topics are covered. We gain a full understanding of Charlie, his eccentric family, traumatic childhood and his older yet loyal friends. This book is definitely more mature so I'd only recommend it for older teenagers, but it is still amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it. I can't give this book enough praise.
Freaks by Lisa M Forrester
Abigail always knew that she was different, yet she just couldn't figure out how. That was until her 16th birthday, when her parents revealed the secret regarding her astounding looks, superior intelligence and her ability to never get sick or hurt. She was an Allelobrid, one of five children born as a result of their parents illegal science experiment in genetic engineering. Their aim was to create a perfect human. When out searching for the fifth and final of her kind, Abigail finds love, danger and an organisation that is after her for experiments. When lives are at risk and freedom is threatened, is being perfect enough to survive?
This book was new to my library not long ago and I'd never heard of it, yet after reading the blurb I knew I'd love it. I'm really into science fiction books about genetic engineering and things like that, so this book was perfect. I love the format of Lisa's writing and how she describes events, it's really original and it's like you're really there. Her writing was quite formal and I loved the creative language used throughout the story. There was some huge plot-twists, a budding romance and a cliffhanger that now has me anticipating the release of the next book!
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The nation of Panem, formed from a post-apocalyptic North America, consists of a wealthy Capitol region surrounded by 12 poorer districts. Every year, a televised event called the Hunger Games takes place, where two tributes from each district are picked to take part and fight for food, shelter and ultimately survival. Only one person will be victorious, returning home with increased food and money, but the other tributes won't survive. After Katniss's younger sister, Prim, is selected as one of District 12's representatives, Katniss takes her place, alongside Peeta. They have to do what they can to survive, even when the odds aren't in their favour.
The Hunger Games has been a really popular book for quite some time now, probably due to the release of the films, but I actually didn't get around to reading it until a few months ago. It's quite an easy book in terms of vocabulary, but it certainly makes up for it in action and a detailed plot. Suzanne has created this entire world which is both beautiful and harsh. She has a great use of first person narrative, used to create foreshadowing and cliffhangers. All of the characters are realistic and well-outlined, forming a great book which I'd definitely recommend.
Finding Sky by Joss Stirling
Sky moves to a new school in America, filled with ordinary people and teachers, except Zed. He isn't like everyone else; he talks to her with his thoughts and reads her mind. When she finds out about a hidden part of our world and discovers what a savant is, Sky realises how different her life could be after making just one small decision. The shadows of her dark past haunt her, but a new evil is also threatening her future. Sky must go on a battle to save those who she loves, discovering her childhood and revealing her past along the way.
I honestly wasn't expecting much from this book, as I thought it'd be an average contemporary, but I truly was wrong. With elements of fantasy and science-fiction, this book was really interesting and I honestly couldn't put it down. I love how Joss writes and her unique descriptions, especially of characters and past events. She's also great at adding mysteries and using dramatic irony, two features that made the story even more enjoyable. The plot was never lacking and there was always something going on, right up until the last page. This book will make you want to laugh, cry and ultimately fall in love with the story.
I hope this post has enlightened you and maybe you'll try one of the books I've listed! I really enjoyed reading all of them and I think you will too, especially if you are a teenager like I am. There are plenty more novels I could recommend, so if you'd like some more posts like this then let me know down in the comments. Also, if you know any young adult books that you think I might like, don't hesitate to tell me! Thanks for reading.
Love from Daisy x
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Set in a dystopian world where society is divided into five factions, each one representing a different characteristic, teenagers have to decide if they want to stay in their own faction or move to another. Once this choice is made, they either stay there or become factionless. Tris, after finding out that she is Divergent, makes a choice that surprises everyone. After going through her initiation of physical and psychological tests, she knows that she is unique and doesn't fit in with anyone else. As conflict threatens to destroy the perfect society she lives in, her secret will either help save the people she loves or destroy her.
Divergent is a really enjoyable book that I couldn't put down for the two days that I read it. We meet some interesting characters such as Tris, Four, Uriah and many more, all of which are unique and have their own ambitions. This book is unlike any I've read before, due to Veronica Roth creating a new world, government and human species that is unlike our own. Overall, this book was really good and I think many people would like this, especially fans of The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Charlie is a freshman, and while he's not the biggest geek in school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective and intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and running from it. He is attempting to navigate his way through the uncharted territory of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends, the world of love, drugs and the Rocky Horror picture show. All he needs is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is actually one of my favourite books, despite it not being a science fiction, fantasy or dystopian novel, which is what I usually go for. It's a coming-of-age epistolary novel, meaning it is written in the form of letters. All of the characters and perfect in their own sense and so many topics are covered. We gain a full understanding of Charlie, his eccentric family, traumatic childhood and his older yet loyal friends. This book is definitely more mature so I'd only recommend it for older teenagers, but it is still amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it. I can't give this book enough praise.
Abigail always knew that she was different, yet she just couldn't figure out how. That was until her 16th birthday, when her parents revealed the secret regarding her astounding looks, superior intelligence and her ability to never get sick or hurt. She was an Allelobrid, one of five children born as a result of their parents illegal science experiment in genetic engineering. Their aim was to create a perfect human. When out searching for the fifth and final of her kind, Abigail finds love, danger and an organisation that is after her for experiments. When lives are at risk and freedom is threatened, is being perfect enough to survive?
This book was new to my library not long ago and I'd never heard of it, yet after reading the blurb I knew I'd love it. I'm really into science fiction books about genetic engineering and things like that, so this book was perfect. I love the format of Lisa's writing and how she describes events, it's really original and it's like you're really there. Her writing was quite formal and I loved the creative language used throughout the story. There was some huge plot-twists, a budding romance and a cliffhanger that now has me anticipating the release of the next book!

The nation of Panem, formed from a post-apocalyptic North America, consists of a wealthy Capitol region surrounded by 12 poorer districts. Every year, a televised event called the Hunger Games takes place, where two tributes from each district are picked to take part and fight for food, shelter and ultimately survival. Only one person will be victorious, returning home with increased food and money, but the other tributes won't survive. After Katniss's younger sister, Prim, is selected as one of District 12's representatives, Katniss takes her place, alongside Peeta. They have to do what they can to survive, even when the odds aren't in their favour.
The Hunger Games has been a really popular book for quite some time now, probably due to the release of the films, but I actually didn't get around to reading it until a few months ago. It's quite an easy book in terms of vocabulary, but it certainly makes up for it in action and a detailed plot. Suzanne has created this entire world which is both beautiful and harsh. She has a great use of first person narrative, used to create foreshadowing and cliffhangers. All of the characters are realistic and well-outlined, forming a great book which I'd definitely recommend.
Sky moves to a new school in America, filled with ordinary people and teachers, except Zed. He isn't like everyone else; he talks to her with his thoughts and reads her mind. When she finds out about a hidden part of our world and discovers what a savant is, Sky realises how different her life could be after making just one small decision. The shadows of her dark past haunt her, but a new evil is also threatening her future. Sky must go on a battle to save those who she loves, discovering her childhood and revealing her past along the way.
I honestly wasn't expecting much from this book, as I thought it'd be an average contemporary, but I truly was wrong. With elements of fantasy and science-fiction, this book was really interesting and I honestly couldn't put it down. I love how Joss writes and her unique descriptions, especially of characters and past events. She's also great at adding mysteries and using dramatic irony, two features that made the story even more enjoyable. The plot was never lacking and there was always something going on, right up until the last page. This book will make you want to laugh, cry and ultimately fall in love with the story.
Love from Daisy x
It's been a long time since I uploaded an interview with another blogger. Today, I am joined with Katie from Fancy Dress Invite, which I have to say is one of my favourite blog posts which I read religiously. If you haven't checked her blog out already, you can find it here. Here is what she had to say about beauty and makeup, I hope you enjoy this little insight.
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
Well, when I was a lot younger and in primary school I used to be a bit of a tomboy and loved watching football and running around in awful baggy trousers. I went through a lot of fazes as a young teenager, I'd say my interest in beauty began whenever I went through a weird 'emo phase' as my friends call it and wanted to perfect my eyeliner skills. Sadly, I always just looked like a panda, but I'm over that now! My interest in beauty really hit whenever I started researching and watching youtube channels of professional make up artists e.g Pixiwoo, Tanya Burr, Charlotte Tilbury and Lisa Eldridge. I've been watching and learning from vidoes and tutorials for over a year now and I am almost certain make up artistry is a career I want to go into.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
As my skin is awfully oily and just generally hit with 'teenager syndrome' and blemished, I love the Body Shop's Tea Tree range, especially their cleanser. I also couldn't live without my Bare Minerals foundation as mineral make up works incredibly well on my ever so oily skin and gives such an amazing 'no make up, make up' look.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
I really want to try the Illamasqua Skin Base foundation as I will have a school formal coming up (basically a prom) and the one thing I'm most excited about is doing my make up! But, I will need to save up some money so I can buy a good full coverage foundation that won't flashback in photos and I heard this one is pretty good. I also want to try some Sleek products as everyone says they're amazing quality for drugstore.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
I absolutely love putting together my 'Monthly Playlist' segment which I do at the end of each month with my favourite songs of that time and 'artist to look out for. I also love doing 'what's on my face' posts or talking about the products I use on a daily basis.
1) How long have you been blogging for and why did you choose to start a blog?
I have been blogging since around October 2013 but didn't start writing posts on a schedule until around March. I wanted to start a blog as I had a huge interest in fashion at the time and wanted a blog to post outfits of the day and hope to make people feel inspired by my personal style. Gradually over time I began to gain more of an interest in the beauty blogs I was reading as beauty blogging really hit the spotlight in 2013, so I decided to give that a go and now make up and beauty blogging is one of my favourite hobbies!
I have been blogging since around October 2013 but didn't start writing posts on a schedule until around March. I wanted to start a blog as I had a huge interest in fashion at the time and wanted a blog to post outfits of the day and hope to make people feel inspired by my personal style. Gradually over time I began to gain more of an interest in the beauty blogs I was reading as beauty blogging really hit the spotlight in 2013, so I decided to give that a go and now make up and beauty blogging is one of my favourite hobbies!
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
Well, when I was a lot younger and in primary school I used to be a bit of a tomboy and loved watching football and running around in awful baggy trousers. I went through a lot of fazes as a young teenager, I'd say my interest in beauty began whenever I went through a weird 'emo phase' as my friends call it and wanted to perfect my eyeliner skills. Sadly, I always just looked like a panda, but I'm over that now! My interest in beauty really hit whenever I started researching and watching youtube channels of professional make up artists e.g Pixiwoo, Tanya Burr, Charlotte Tilbury and Lisa Eldridge. I've been watching and learning from vidoes and tutorials for over a year now and I am almost certain make up artistry is a career I want to go into.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
As my skin is awfully oily and just generally hit with 'teenager syndrome' and blemished, I love the Body Shop's Tea Tree range, especially their cleanser. I also couldn't live without my Bare Minerals foundation as mineral make up works incredibly well on my ever so oily skin and gives such an amazing 'no make up, make up' look.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
I really want to try the Illamasqua Skin Base foundation as I will have a school formal coming up (basically a prom) and the one thing I'm most excited about is doing my make up! But, I will need to save up some money so I can buy a good full coverage foundation that won't flashback in photos and I heard this one is pretty good. I also want to try some Sleek products as everyone says they're amazing quality for drugstore.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
I absolutely love putting together my 'Monthly Playlist' segment which I do at the end of each month with my favourite songs of that time and 'artist to look out for. I also love doing 'what's on my face' posts or talking about the products I use on a daily basis.
6) Do you have any exciting blog related things coming up soon?
Not particularly sadly, my schedules been very off recently due to life circumstances, e.g getting my GCSE results, starting sixth form etc. Since I'm beginning a levels I think my posts will be slightly limited, but a lot better in quality. Watch this space!
Not particularly sadly, my schedules been very off recently due to life circumstances, e.g getting my GCSE results, starting sixth form etc. Since I'm beginning a levels I think my posts will be slightly limited, but a lot better in quality. Watch this space!
I just want to say thank you very much for doing this interview with me Katie. I love collaborating with other bloggers and I think interviews are a great way of doing so as you get to find out more about them. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
Love from Daisy x
It's been a long time since I uploaded an interview with another blogger. Today, I am joined with Katie from Fancy Dress Invite, which I have to say is one of my favourite blog posts which I read religiously. If you haven't checked her blog out already, you can find it here. Here is what she had to say about beauty and makeup, I hope you enjoy this little insight.
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
Well, when I was a lot younger and in primary school I used to be a bit of a tomboy and loved watching football and running around in awful baggy trousers. I went through a lot of fazes as a young teenager, I'd say my interest in beauty began whenever I went through a weird 'emo phase' as my friends call it and wanted to perfect my eyeliner skills. Sadly, I always just looked like a panda, but I'm over that now! My interest in beauty really hit whenever I started researching and watching youtube channels of professional make up artists e.g Pixiwoo, Tanya Burr, Charlotte Tilbury and Lisa Eldridge. I've been watching and learning from vidoes and tutorials for over a year now and I am almost certain make up artistry is a career I want to go into.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
As my skin is awfully oily and just generally hit with 'teenager syndrome' and blemished, I love the Body Shop's Tea Tree range, especially their cleanser. I also couldn't live without my Bare Minerals foundation as mineral make up works incredibly well on my ever so oily skin and gives such an amazing 'no make up, make up' look.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
I really want to try the Illamasqua Skin Base foundation as I will have a school formal coming up (basically a prom) and the one thing I'm most excited about is doing my make up! But, I will need to save up some money so I can buy a good full coverage foundation that won't flashback in photos and I heard this one is pretty good. I also want to try some Sleek products as everyone says they're amazing quality for drugstore.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
I absolutely love putting together my 'Monthly Playlist' segment which I do at the end of each month with my favourite songs of that time and 'artist to look out for. I also love doing 'what's on my face' posts or talking about the products I use on a daily basis.
1) How long have you been blogging for and why did you choose to start a blog?
I have been blogging since around October 2013 but didn't start writing posts on a schedule until around March. I wanted to start a blog as I had a huge interest in fashion at the time and wanted a blog to post outfits of the day and hope to make people feel inspired by my personal style. Gradually over time I began to gain more of an interest in the beauty blogs I was reading as beauty blogging really hit the spotlight in 2013, so I decided to give that a go and now make up and beauty blogging is one of my favourite hobbies!
I have been blogging since around October 2013 but didn't start writing posts on a schedule until around March. I wanted to start a blog as I had a huge interest in fashion at the time and wanted a blog to post outfits of the day and hope to make people feel inspired by my personal style. Gradually over time I began to gain more of an interest in the beauty blogs I was reading as beauty blogging really hit the spotlight in 2013, so I decided to give that a go and now make up and beauty blogging is one of my favourite hobbies!
2) Have you always liked fashion and beauty or is that something that started when you made your blog?
Well, when I was a lot younger and in primary school I used to be a bit of a tomboy and loved watching football and running around in awful baggy trousers. I went through a lot of fazes as a young teenager, I'd say my interest in beauty began whenever I went through a weird 'emo phase' as my friends call it and wanted to perfect my eyeliner skills. Sadly, I always just looked like a panda, but I'm over that now! My interest in beauty really hit whenever I started researching and watching youtube channels of professional make up artists e.g Pixiwoo, Tanya Burr, Charlotte Tilbury and Lisa Eldridge. I've been watching and learning from vidoes and tutorials for over a year now and I am almost certain make up artistry is a career I want to go into.
3) What products or items can't you live without and use on a regular basis?
As my skin is awfully oily and just generally hit with 'teenager syndrome' and blemished, I love the Body Shop's Tea Tree range, especially their cleanser. I also couldn't live without my Bare Minerals foundation as mineral make up works incredibly well on my ever so oily skin and gives such an amazing 'no make up, make up' look.
4) Are there any products you're hoping to try out?
I really want to try the Illamasqua Skin Base foundation as I will have a school formal coming up (basically a prom) and the one thing I'm most excited about is doing my make up! But, I will need to save up some money so I can buy a good full coverage foundation that won't flashback in photos and I heard this one is pretty good. I also want to try some Sleek products as everyone says they're amazing quality for drugstore.
5) What posts do you enjoy writing and have the most fun with?
I absolutely love putting together my 'Monthly Playlist' segment which I do at the end of each month with my favourite songs of that time and 'artist to look out for. I also love doing 'what's on my face' posts or talking about the products I use on a daily basis.
6) Do you have any exciting blog related things coming up soon?
Not particularly sadly, my schedules been very off recently due to life circumstances, e.g getting my GCSE results, starting sixth form etc. Since I'm beginning a levels I think my posts will be slightly limited, but a lot better in quality. Watch this space!
Not particularly sadly, my schedules been very off recently due to life circumstances, e.g getting my GCSE results, starting sixth form etc. Since I'm beginning a levels I think my posts will be slightly limited, but a lot better in quality. Watch this space!
I just want to say thank you very much for doing this interview with me Katie. I love collaborating with other bloggers and I think interviews are a great way of doing so as you get to find out more about them. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
Love from Daisy x
Autumn is almost upon us, meaning it's time for me to share some of the latest autumn and winter fashions, as seen on the catwalks. Today, I'll be analysing 3 more designers and telling you about their collections and what clothes they think will be in fashion. The previous catwalk fashion posts received great feedback, so I hope you like this one just as much as the others!
In the past, Riccardo Tisci has explored some bold trends, such as tribalism and ethnographic motives, but for this season, he's decided to revert back to the original Givenchy and tone it down a notch, except for the two red squares that each model was wearing at her temples. Some of the looks were actually quite conventional compared to previous lines, which was obviously a shock in the fashion world. A number of the dresses were semi-sheer and paired with belts and tights, all of which looked sophisticated and put-together. Givenchy displayed an array of different animal prints that were either distorted or magnified in some way, such as butterfly, leopard, snake and many others. We saw a few of the dresses had a detailed top half that was shaped at the shoulder like a vest, yet the skirts were long and a sheer black.
When launching her autumn winter line, we discovered that Phoebe Philo returned to her usual theme of keeping everything fairly plain and simple, after her brief foray into sheer skirts and wavy patterns. We saw lots of coats during the catwalk, some of which were really slender and fitted at the top but had a flared lower half, yet the others were cocoon coats with raglan sleeves and tend to slide off the shoulders. For these, a lot of the colours were black and white, with maybe the occasional pop of colour. There was a lot of tweed knits that were stretchy and reached the hip, which were paired with wool skirts or wide trousers. Also, there was a few garments which contained basic patterns such as checks, which added a bit of interest to an otherwise bland outfit. All of the models wore wedge sandals with their outfits that were in dark colours such as crimson, olive green, brown and black.
In the past, Riccardo Tisci has explored some bold trends, such as tribalism and ethnographic motives, but for this season, he's decided to revert back to the original Givenchy and tone it down a notch, except for the two red squares that each model was wearing at her temples. Some of the looks were actually quite conventional compared to previous lines, which was obviously a shock in the fashion world. A number of the dresses were semi-sheer and paired with belts and tights, all of which looked sophisticated and put-together. Givenchy displayed an array of different animal prints that were either distorted or magnified in some way, such as butterfly, leopard, snake and many others. We saw a few of the dresses had a detailed top half that was shaped at the shoulder like a vest, yet the skirts were long and a sheer black.
When launching her autumn winter line, we discovered that Phoebe Philo returned to her usual theme of keeping everything fairly plain and simple, after her brief foray into sheer skirts and wavy patterns. We saw lots of coats during the catwalk, some of which were really slender and fitted at the top but had a flared lower half, yet the others were cocoon coats with raglan sleeves and tend to slide off the shoulders. For these, a lot of the colours were black and white, with maybe the occasional pop of colour. There was a lot of tweed knits that were stretchy and reached the hip, which were paired with wool skirts or wide trousers. Also, there was a few garments which contained basic patterns such as checks, which added a bit of interest to an otherwise bland outfit. All of the models wore wedge sandals with their outfits that were in dark colours such as crimson, olive green, brown and black.
Vivienne Westwood:
One of the most noticeable thing about the Vivienne Westwood show is that she sent some of her models wearing extravagant wigs, until she herself entered at the finale wig-less. Quite a few of the looks accentuated the long slender legs of the models with printed leggings and platform heels topped with a pom-pom. Amongst these was grand dresses that had endless ripples, pleats and folds. However, they weren't elegant and classic as you may think, many of them involved loud animal prints, vibrant patterns and eccentric designs, making them boisterous and almost intimidating. In fact, Vivienne said herself that you have to be brave to wear them. Most of the items shows were inspired by the designs of Charles Frederick Worth, 19th century couturier.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some more fashions straight from the catwalk. There will be one more of these posts next Sunday, so make sure you don't miss the final instalment of the series!
Love from Daisy x
Autumn is almost upon us, meaning it's time for me to share some of the latest autumn and winter fashions, as seen on the catwalks. Today, I'll be analysing 3 more designers and telling you about their collections and what clothes they think will be in fashion. The previous catwalk fashion posts received great feedback, so I hope you like this one just as much as the others!
In the past, Riccardo Tisci has explored some bold trends, such as tribalism and ethnographic motives, but for this season, he's decided to revert back to the original Givenchy and tone it down a notch, except for the two red squares that each model was wearing at her temples. Some of the looks were actually quite conventional compared to previous lines, which was obviously a shock in the fashion world. A number of the dresses were semi-sheer and paired with belts and tights, all of which looked sophisticated and put-together. Givenchy displayed an array of different animal prints that were either distorted or magnified in some way, such as butterfly, leopard, snake and many others. We saw a few of the dresses had a detailed top half that was shaped at the shoulder like a vest, yet the skirts were long and a sheer black.
When launching her autumn winter line, we discovered that Phoebe Philo returned to her usual theme of keeping everything fairly plain and simple, after her brief foray into sheer skirts and wavy patterns. We saw lots of coats during the catwalk, some of which were really slender and fitted at the top but had a flared lower half, yet the others were cocoon coats with raglan sleeves and tend to slide off the shoulders. For these, a lot of the colours were black and white, with maybe the occasional pop of colour. There was a lot of tweed knits that were stretchy and reached the hip, which were paired with wool skirts or wide trousers. Also, there was a few garments which contained basic patterns such as checks, which added a bit of interest to an otherwise bland outfit. All of the models wore wedge sandals with their outfits that were in dark colours such as crimson, olive green, brown and black.
In the past, Riccardo Tisci has explored some bold trends, such as tribalism and ethnographic motives, but for this season, he's decided to revert back to the original Givenchy and tone it down a notch, except for the two red squares that each model was wearing at her temples. Some of the looks were actually quite conventional compared to previous lines, which was obviously a shock in the fashion world. A number of the dresses were semi-sheer and paired with belts and tights, all of which looked sophisticated and put-together. Givenchy displayed an array of different animal prints that were either distorted or magnified in some way, such as butterfly, leopard, snake and many others. We saw a few of the dresses had a detailed top half that was shaped at the shoulder like a vest, yet the skirts were long and a sheer black.
When launching her autumn winter line, we discovered that Phoebe Philo returned to her usual theme of keeping everything fairly plain and simple, after her brief foray into sheer skirts and wavy patterns. We saw lots of coats during the catwalk, some of which were really slender and fitted at the top but had a flared lower half, yet the others were cocoon coats with raglan sleeves and tend to slide off the shoulders. For these, a lot of the colours were black and white, with maybe the occasional pop of colour. There was a lot of tweed knits that were stretchy and reached the hip, which were paired with wool skirts or wide trousers. Also, there was a few garments which contained basic patterns such as checks, which added a bit of interest to an otherwise bland outfit. All of the models wore wedge sandals with their outfits that were in dark colours such as crimson, olive green, brown and black.
Vivienne Westwood:
One of the most noticeable thing about the Vivienne Westwood show is that she sent some of her models wearing extravagant wigs, until she herself entered at the finale wig-less. Quite a few of the looks accentuated the long slender legs of the models with printed leggings and platform heels topped with a pom-pom. Amongst these was grand dresses that had endless ripples, pleats and folds. However, they weren't elegant and classic as you may think, many of them involved loud animal prints, vibrant patterns and eccentric designs, making them boisterous and almost intimidating. In fact, Vivienne said herself that you have to be brave to wear them. Most of the items shows were inspired by the designs of Charles Frederick Worth, 19th century couturier.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some more fashions straight from the catwalk. There will be one more of these posts next Sunday, so make sure you don't miss the final instalment of the series!
Love from Daisy x
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